A cross dressing get together Ch. 02

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Big Tits

Part Two The Latex Room

New readers might like to know that me and Freddie, a friend of mine, have gone off for a cross-dressing get-together in a house just outside Reading. We’ve met some lovely people already and it does seem to be quite a sexy affair. I’ve been having fun in the Silk Room (see Part One) but now I’m about to move on to the Latex Room. Hold on tight darlings, things could get bumpy from now on. I’m called Suzy by the way. If any of you feel like having a wank as you read then please do, I’ll be with you in spirit if not in body, unfortunately.

On leaving the Silk Room the first thing I had to do was to pop into the loo, and have a sit down. I slipped off my heels and was shocked to see my stockings had lost some of their shape around my thighs. I took them off immediately and wondered what else I could wear. Luckily the bathroom was very well equipped, lots of lubes and lotions as well a whole shelf of new lingerie ready to try on. I chose some sheer black glamour tights, crotchless, and so naughty, which fitted perfectly.

Two other ladies in the loo helped me to put them on, checking the seams and getting the top adjusted properly. The tights looked and felt superb. They had quite a wide, high waist band and then four suspender straps going down either side of my bum to support the tops of the stockings around my thighs. They felt so sexy, framing my cock and balls as well as my bum.

I then found a lovely satin and lace midi slip in deep purple which also fitted well, just tight enough to show off my curves but not too tight. Looking at myself in the mirror I thought I looked good, like an old movie star or a turn-of- the-century Parisian tart. I wanted to give myself a hug I looked so delicious. It feels good to look like a tart when you know you are going out to face a room full of men.

I strode out to the centre of the room, putting on my most inviting smile, and feeling confident in my heels. I twirled about only to feel slightly ignored, so I put my hand on my hip and stood there looking provocative and hoping someone, anyone, might at least notice me.

Everyone seemed too busy to even give me a look, so I walked slowly over to the bar with my sexiest walk – the one where you take a step forward and then sway slightly back with each step. I leant against the bar in a sort of making-myself-available pose.

Still no one seemed to take any notice. Anyway an attractive barman, black stockings, heels, with a tiny black latex skirt and a sweet little frilly white apron, came over and asked me what I’d like to drink. I said a whiskey sour and asked him if my eye shadow had gone askew or was my slip showing.

“No kayseri escort darling,” he said, “but here the rule is when you first come in you have to make the first move.”

“Well I wish someone had told me,” I replied, “I could have been waiting here all night.”

“No,” he smiled, “but don’t worry, we can chat here whilst you get used to the room. Drink up and I’ll get you another.”

He hoiked himself up on a bar stool and crossed one slender leg over the other, eyeing me up in a flirty way. His little white frilly apron slipped to one side, and I could see his cock through the gap at the front of his tight skirt.

I leant closer towards him and asked quietly whether there were any other rules a girl had to obey. As I did so I moved my hand under his apron to have a feel of his cock.

He opened his legs a bit and said that the only other rule is that you can’t say no and you can’t reject someone outright.

“Well that’s a better rule, sort of even things up a bit,” I said as I gave his cock a long firm stroke.

“Why don’t you have a chat with that lady over there,” he said, pointing to two ladies at the end of the bar. “She’d love to get to know you better, she’s jiggling her bum at you right now.”

I looked down to the end of the bar where two ladies were sitting on bar stools. They looked very elegant. One had on a short, silver faux-fur top, lots of silver jewellery, high cut black tights, satin gloves and no skirt. The other was wearing a short black satin jacket, like a man’s jacket, and sheer tights with heels, a sort of Judy Garland look. They both had a lot of make up on, lots of red lippy and heavy eye-shadow which made them look very sexy.

I smiled at them and walked slowly over to where they were sitting at the bar.

” Well you took your time darling. We both thought you’d never make it. I’m Marlene and this is Darlene.”

“Hi Marlene, Darlene, I’m Suzy,” I said. “How are you two girls doing? You both look wonderful. I love your fur top, it really suits you.”

“Thank you Suzy. This is a nice slip,” said Marlene, running her fingers up my arm under my slip and giving me a little squeeze.

“We’re just going to move over to where there seems to be some exciting action. Why don’t you join us?”

I looked over to the other side of the room where a group of men were sitting down on some low cushions, talking and smiling at each other. Some of the men were wearing what looked like gladiator outfits, sandals with tight latex straps running up their thighs to their waists and then up around their chests. They all looked bronzed, muscular and oiled up, and extremely sexy. Two other men were kıbrıs escort wearing tight white linen sailor type trousers with blue and white striped t shirts and little matelot caps with red bobbles on the top.

I just loved how their trousers tightened and creased up around their waists. They were so tight you could see the outline of their cocks inside the material. I couldn’t wait to have a feel, so I walked up to one of the guys and introduced myself. As I did so I licked my lips slowly and looked deep into his eyes. I ran my fingers along the outline of his cock and got an immediate response. I closed my lips over his lips, shut my eyes and gave him a long tonguey kiss, my hand still feeling his crotch.

“Why don’t you undo my zip,” he murmured to me, between kisses. “I’m sure you have a lovely touch.”

I pressed my body close to his, moving my hand down over his tummy and unzipped his fly. My my, he had the most gorgeous cock, almost erect and full. As I stroked him it immediately got harder.

I was just about to stoop down and give him a suck when he held me upright, clasped both his hands around my bum, pulled me closer to him, grabbing my cock and rubbing it against his own cock. I could feel his cock hard against my cock, as he started to moving his hips slowly against mine in a fucking motion.

Our cocks got harder as we moved closer together. I looked across at the full length mirror on the opposite wall and watched the two of us standing upright, fucking each other. We did look good. His warm strong hands were squeezing my bum, pulling me towards him and then pushing me away. I loved how our hard cocks rubbed against each other as we cock- fucked together.

After a bit I just gave in to the moment, my head stretched back, supported by this gorgeous man whose cock I could feel sliding against my own cock as we fucked together. I loved how he nibbled my tits, with his hands holding me round my waist. It made me feel so sexy and feminine and so much in his power.

Imagine my delight when another guy came up behind me and started to rub his cock against my bum, opening up my crack with his fingers and jabbing his cock inside my hole. I loved that forward and back rhythm, both men cock-fucking me alternately, both front and back fucking, which made me feel so desired and wanton.

I wanted to hold back and not cum until one of the other guys had spunked his load but I couldn’t manage it. I gave way as soon as I felt it welling up inside me and shot it over the man fucking me in front.

I lay back on the sofa stretching by long legs out in front of me, running my hands over my thighs, my cock still hard from konya escort the sweet fuck I just had with the two sailors. I was just about to get up when I saw Freddie walk by with a gorgeous man on his arm.

“Hi Freddie, isn’t this just wonderful? All these men seem to adore me. Come and sit down and join me. Don’t my legs look fabulous?” I stretched out my legs in front of me, turning slightly so he could see my bum.

“And do bring your friend. He looks kind of cute.” I batted my eyelids and smiled coyly at him.

Freddie came over, looking very elegant, his heels making his legs seem longer, and his cock just hanging out under his cami.

“Hello darling,” said Freddie, “having a good time? I saw you with those sailors, naughty girl.”

I think he knew exactly what I wanted, he always does, so he sat down over me, one leg on each side of me with his fully erect cock about six inches from my face. I placed my hands around his stocking covered bum and pulled him towards me. I love holding his muscular bottom in my hands, when he’s wearing stockings, he feels so smooth and so firm.

I rubbed my lips up and down his cock a few times and then placed both my hands flat on his tummy, making a hole between my thumbs and index fingers from which his cock stood up erect. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue along the length of his cock. I took the end of his cock in my mouth and sucked it strongly and tightly, my tongue moving over the end of his cock quickly licking the ridge at the top of his cock, greedily twisting and turning my mouth.

Freddie jerked his cock inside my mouth, mouth-fucking me. I loved taking his cock inside me, and I loved showing him how much I loved it. After about three long thrusts of his cock in my mouth he leaned over me, and whispered in my ear:

“Come on darling, let’s go home and fuck each other senseless.”

I gave his cock another long suck and he got up off me, taking my hand and leading me off to the other side of the room. I felt like a queen being led by this lovely man through a group of other men all with their cocks out, staring at me and Freddie and smiling.

I looked round the room and saw the two sailors standing together near the bar. I blew them a kiss and waved my hand at them, showing off my cock. One of them came over and took my phone out of my clutch bag, dabbed the key board and entering his own phone number.

I thought that was a lovely conclusion to a lovely evening. I had made some new friends, and now Freddie was taking me home so I could have him all to myself. I know I’m a bit of a tart but that is why men respond to me, and I love it, every minute of it.

I walked off slightly unsteadily, my heels not feeling too firm on the ground. I picked up my coat from the entrance hall and walked out happy that the man of my dreams was taking me home and we would spend the rest of the night fucking each other in blissful contentment.

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