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An old man remembers.
This is a true story, based on my life.
I was 17 and bored. I worked in a Perfume factory as a line porter. I filled the machines with various creams, nail polish and big slabs of lipstick. There were 100 women and 5 men on the shop floor. Most of the women delighted in embarrassing and teasing me as I was by far the youngest.
The exception to the rule was Rose,I think she was in her mid 30’s, attractive and friendly. As my 18th approached I decided that I wanted to join the Royal Marines and filled out a form from the Daily Mirror. A few days later an information pack arrived, the covering letter invited me for interview and medical at Cambridge. Passing the Interview and Medical it was agreed that I would join the next induction in 5 months on November 5th. My parent’s talk of a leaving party made returning to the factory just about bearable. As news of my leaving to become a Marine circulated, the teasing and torment stopped, some of the women started calling me Mike instead of “Boy or Sprog.”
My 18th Birthday was on a Friday. Rose and some of the other women invited me to the local pub to celebrate my 18th. The beer flowed freely, soon I was pissed and in no state to drive home or return to work. Saying they would cover for me, the women went back to work as I finished my beer. Staggering out to the car park I saw Rose leaning against my car.
“Hello Mike, wanted to make sure you were all right and didn’t drive.”
“Thanks, am just going to curl up on back seat and go to sleep.”
“Well give me your keys and I will take you back to my place. Coffee and a sleep on settee will sober you up.”
Handing my keys over, I fell into the passenger seat and passed out. Shaking me awake, Rose helped me into her home.
As she leaned in to get me out of the car I had a clear view of her large, bra clad tits. Feeling my cock start to stir I erupted into a fit of drunken giggles. Looking puzzled
“What is so funny.”
“I just seen your tits.”
“Hmm did you like what you saw?”
“Oh yeah, very nice, can I feel?”
My brain was telling me to shut up, but my beer mouth kept on.
“You got lovely tits and a great arse.”
Rose looked quite shocked, “maybe later” I heard her say as I fell asleep on her couch. Waking about an hour later i was busting for a piss, I think I pissed about 3 gallons. Feeling much better I walked back to the lounge where Rose was holding a cup of black coffee.
As I drank my coffee I noticed that her hair was wet and she had changed into a short dressing gown. The gown was showing glimpses of her upper thighs and the swell of her arse cheeks as she bent slightly to put stuff in the bin.
“Very nice” was all my drunken mouth could manage.
“Was beginning to think you were gay,” she giggled as I tried to make my raging cock more comfortable in my very tight jeans.
“Have you seen a women nude before?”
“Of course,” I blustered as my alcohol fogged brain started to clear and my cock threatened to burst the buttons of my bell bottom jeans. I had seen a women nude, spied on my sister a couple of times and mums towel had slipped a little as she left the bathroom!
“Would you like more coffee” Rose said, as she walked towards me.
Nodding dumbly, I watched as her dressing gown parted at the top exposing her milky white tits and large nipples, as she bent to collect my cup. Taking the opportunity I grabbed a handful and marvelled at the softness of her skin. Moving my hands over her ample tits I was surprised at how her nipples poked into my palm.
Groaning, Rose shrugged off her gown and pushed herself onto my hands. I was transfixed as I played.
Pulling my head forward she encouraged me to suckle her left nipple and moved my hand down her body. Taking her large nipple into my mouth I soon discovered that swirling my tongue around and flicking it caused Rose to groan with pleasure. As I experimented on her tits Rose undid my belt and eventually the buttons on my jeans. Dropping to her knees, I was disappointed as her nipples were taken away, but elated as she started to kiss and lick my bell end.
After just a few minutes, I could feel my balls start to boil as she sucked and licked me. Sensing that I was about to come, Rose stood up and straddled me on the armchair.
“Sorry but I need this”
I was a little confused as she reached between our belly’s and grabbed my cock. All became very clear as she moved slightly and I penetrated her wet softness. The feeling of her heat and wetness as her pussy gripped my cock was unbelievable. As I felt her pubes hit mine I shot my load, Rose groaned in disappointment, but I was in heaven. Taking me by the hand she lead me upstairs to the bathroom.
Walking in front of me on the stairs, I could clearly see the pink of her pussy with my spunk bubbling from her hole. After we had cleaned up she took me to bed, as we kissed and cuddled I ran my fingers between her legs and feasted on her tits. Guiding my fingers to her pussy Rose spread her legs wide, with a little more guidance she started to breathe bursa escort heavily. Concentrating hard on the spot she had directed me too I Varied the pressure and frequency as I rubbed her pinkness. Her squeals of pleasure, told me I was on right track. As she threw her head back and her whole body trembled and shook, I felt a surge of wetness on my fingers as I witnessed a women cumming for the 1st time.
Her orgasm seemed to last some time as she shook and shivered, unsure of what to do I kissed and stroked her thigh. My cock was raging hard again, pulling me onto her she guided me into her sopping hole. Slowly pushing my length into her,I felt her pussy grip me as she erupted into another orgasm. Wrapping her legs around my waist she pulled me deep inside her, moving her hips she ground herself against me. The feeling as her pussy worked on my sensitive bell end were and still are indescribable.
As I felt myself starting to cum I wanted to ram in and out of her. Rose kept her legs locked around my waist and as I erupted deep inside her she launched into her 3rd orgasm. Collapsing in a sweaty heap we slept. Feeling Rose struggling to get out from underneath me, I flopped on to the bed beside her.
“Happy 18th, did you like your present?”
“Oh yeah, can I have some more?”
“Well it’s nearly 5pm and my husband will be home shortly, maybe another day.”
Following her into the bathroom, we shared a shower. As I soaped her body I vowed I would have her again and learn more about the strange tangle of pink flesh between her legs. I hardly remember the 15 mile drive home as I thought about the world of pleasure Rose had exposed me too. Rose and I fucked each other at every opportunity over the following weeks and with her patient guidance I became a skilled lover.
The factory was put on short time, finishing at 2pm each day. Although the loss of wages in were painful, Rose and I were able to have sex every afternoon. Coming into work one morning I found the gates locked. The maintenance staff were on strike, telling us all to go home the manager said we should phone later. Giving 3 of the women lifts home Rose and I headed for her house. As normal I parked the car around the corner, Rose walked home and I went round the back, jumped the fence so the neighbours didn’t see me going into her home.
Having discovered that pussy tasted as good as it felt I loved licking her until her pussy poured girl cum. Knowing that we had the whole day together we were locked into 69 when the sound of a lorry pulling up outside had Rose running to the window.
“Oh fuck, that’s Brian my husband, you have to go, he will kill you.”
Not needing to be told twice I gathered my clothes. Getting out of the back bedroom window, I dropped onto the extensions roof, climbed over the fence and walked back to my car. As I drove off my heart was hammering and my cock was painfully stiff. Calling the factory later I was told the engineers had agreed to go back to work. Because nothing had been done over the weekend it would be Wednesday before the line would be running.
I was late getting up for work as some mates and I had been on a bit of a pub crawl the previous night. Arriving at work I was sure I was still pissed, running my little Wolsey Hornet into the gate post, confirmed my fears. Reversing off the post I settled down for a snooze, sometime later I woke to find a very angry looking manager banging on my car window.
Dragging me into his office he issued
“A verbal warning a written warning and a final written warning.”
I had no fucking idea what his problem was or how he could warn me 3 times about the same thing on the same day. Telling him to “go fuck himself” I screwed it up and wiped the warning across the arse of my jeans.
“Go home, sober up and come back tomorrow.”
Fully expecting to be sacked, I was in work early the next morning and by 8.30 I had loaded all the hoppers, filled the various other stations on the lines and sheepishly walked into his office at 9am.
“Feeling better this morning?”
“Yes, I am so sorry about yesterday.”
“Ok, I was young once”.
A large smile spread across his weathered face as he told me to sit down.
“I hear you will be leaving in October, joining the Marines” he exclaimed. Seeing a chance of keeping my job I relaxed. As we chatted, John said that he had been a paratrooper in WW2 and would be happy to help me prepare for military life. Tearing up my written warnings he smiled as he looked at me,
“Fair enough?
Thanking him I left his office, returning to the line I noticed that Rose wasn’t at work. The morning flew by as 5 lines were running. I was kept busy topping up the hoppers with, face cream, hand cream and nail polish. Part of the nail polish line required small ball bearings to be put into nail polish removal fluid and a single ball bearing to be dropped in the bottle, to agitate the polish when shaken. The removal fluid made the bearings cold. I used to take great pleasure in scooping up a few and trying to lob them down the front of the girls shirts. It still makes bursa escort bayan me laugh remembering the squeals of shock as a cold ball of steel found its way inside their bras.
It was a stunning day so I bought a can of coke and sandwich from the canteen and sat on the grass by the car park. As I finished my lunch, Rose waked across the car park. She looked stunning, she was wearing a short red and white summer dress. As she walked towards me I admired her long shapely legs. The thin fabric of her dress clung to her curves, as she got closer I could clearly see her nipples straining against the fabric of her dress. Hidden by some trees she reached up for a kiss, as we kissed my hand dropped to her arse. The smoothness of her arse confirmed she wasn’t wearing panties either! Dropping my hand to the hem of her skirt my fingers soon found their way between her legs.
Rose was obviously very horny, she was absolutely drenched. Reaching between us, Rose unzipped my trousers and fished my rapidly hardening cock out of my pants. A few strokes of her hand on my cock as I twiddled her clit and we were both ready to go. Turning away from me she put her hands on the tree spread her legs and pushed her arse out. Getting behind her my cock found her sopping wet hole. I bottomed out in her soaking wet pussy with one stroke. After a frantic fuck we laid on the grass, Rose suddenly looked serious.
“I have been to the doctors this morning.”
“Wondered why you weren’t at work, you ok?”
“Yes, never felt better.”
After a few minutes of silence I felt that she wanted to tell me something.
“So what’s up.”
“Nothing, well except I am pregnant!”
She quickly added, “Don’t worry, its what I wanted, Brian will be over the moon.”
“How far gone.” Was all I could think to say.
“12 weeks, due on 17 December.”
“I have wanted a baby for so long, it wasn’t working with Brian. Obviously I have been having sex with both you and Brian, so cant be sure who is the father. Don’t really care to be honest, as I love you both. I thought it was best to tell you, I don’t want anything from you, maybe one day you will come to see us and realise how complete and happy you have made us.”
As she talked I felt my cock stiffening, in a strange way knowing that her pregnancy was my child turned me on.
“Best I have some more cunt then before your belly gets to big!”
As I entered her with long powerful thrusts, sex took on a whole new meaning, as I shot my load into her steaming pussy I almost cried with joy and pleasure. That was the last time I saw Rose, she wiped herself with some tissues and headed for Johns office. She wasn’t on the line in the afternoon and her friend, Brenda, handed me a note as we got in our cars that evening.
” Darling Mike, I am so sorry that I didn’t have the courage to tell you earlier. We cannot be together as I don’t want anything to screw, what I now have, up. I hope you can understand my reasons, I am nearly twice your age, and love Brian. Please don’t come to the house or phone me, it really is the best solution.”
“Good luck in the Marines. Rose.”
Feeling slightly crushed I drove home in silence, by the end of my 15 mile drive I was wondering where I was gonna get regular sex now.
A couple of years later I heard Rose had died. Unsure if she died in child birth, apparently a piece detached from her lung and found its way to her heart, killing her and the baby.
Since Rose had introduced me to the pleasures of sex, I viewed women differently. Imagining how they looked when cumming, wondering how they tasted and smelt. After a few flings with girls my age in the village,I decided I needed an older women as none of them really satisfied me. I fucked most of them, hated having to wear a Durex and their inexperience frustrated me. I did enjoy putting Roses teachings to good use though, more than once they asked me,
“What the fuck are you doing too me.” As they crashed into their 3rd or 4th orgasm.
My chance came as mum asked me to go help out at the local jumble sale. It was run by a lady called Patricia and was in aid of the village hall. Patricia was a slim, elegant lady in her late 40’s. Explaining to me what she needed, we set to work sorting out the various bundles of clothes, toys and household items. On this particular day, Patricia was dressed in a unflattering plaid skirt that stopped just above her knee and a cream blouse. As I worked I watched her, trying to imagine what was underneath her boring clothes.turning her back to me she stooped and bent to pick up a heavy bundle of clothes.
The effort required her to bend a little more and as she spread her feet a little her skirt rode up a few inches, exposing her lower thighs to my greedy eyes. Rushing over to help, I was rewarded with a flashing smile, grabbing an end each we easily lifted the bundle onto the table. Returning to my table I watched as she bent and twisted trying to cut the string holding the bundle. As she lent across the package her skirt rode up and I was sure I could see the top bursa merkez escort of a Stocking.
I had seen pictures of stockings in magazines, as I imagined her garter belt and suspenders my cock was rock hard. After a few minutes she asked if I would like a cup of tea and a biscuit, following her into the kitchen I had to adjust my cock as I watched her hips sway. The kitchen was quite small and narrow so I waited by the door as she put the kettle on. As she waited for the kettle to boil she opened a cupboard and reached for a tin on the top shelf.
As she stretched to reach the tin her blouse pulled taut, giving me a great view of the outline of her fairly small pert tits. Moving to one side she asked me to get the tin down. As I squeezed by her I took the opportunity to feel her arse, putting my hand flat I let my fingers drop into the curve between her legs. Hoping that if she objected I could say it was accidental. As I got the tin down she turned to face me, her face seemed flushed and she was smiling.
“Thanks Mike I…..”
Her words were cut off as I squeezed by her again and placed my hand between her legs. Expecting the worst I prepared for a torrent of abuse, instead her legs parted slightly as she pushed her hips forward. Going for broke I leaned in and kissed her, wondering how I was going to explain myself if I had read her wrong. Kissing me back her tongue darted into my mouth as my hand caressed her tits. As the kiss continued I ran my hand up her thigh, confirming that she was wearing stockings.
When my finger reached her crotch she parted her legs, rubbing my finger along the slot of her pussy I was surprised at how wet her panties were. Moving her panties to the side I plunged 2 fingers into her dripping hole, then moved up to her clit. As I flicked her little nub with the tip of my finger her legs buckled as she let out a wail. Suddenly standing up, she pulled my hand from her snatch.
“We, I…cant do this, I am old enough to be your mother!”
“It doesn’t matter, I wont tell if you don’t,” I joked.
As she practically ran out of the kitchen I thought I had blown it, seeing her stop at the door and lock it my cock jumped in anticipation.
“Maybe we could just make each other cum, I cant have full sex with you”
Walking back towards me she stopped at her table, seeing the look of uncertainty on her face I kissed her as I laid her on the table. Moving down her body I lifted her skirt, exposing her hairy twat with her panties still pulled to one side. Unlike Rose her pussy was lipless and her bush was sparse, I could see the nectar running out of her open hole, lowering my head I ran my tongue the length of her pussy, loving the taste and musky scent of her gaping cunt. As my tongue worked on her clit I released my straining cock, as she started to cum her head flopped back as she moaned and hissed.
Taking a chance I straightened up, grabbed my cock, ramming it deep into her pussy was just what she needed, as my cock forced her folds apart she howled and thrashed about as she came again and again. Waiting until she came down I gently pushed in and out of her. Moving her arse to the edge of the table and sitting up she kissed me.
“It’s ok, I want to feel you to come deep inside me.”
As she started to come again my cock expanded and shot my load deep into her body.
“Thank you, that was amazing,
It has been so long since my husband bothered”
Looking particularly embarrassed and shy Patricia pulled her panties over her sodden hole, tugging her skirt down as she headed for the ladies. Washing my cock in the kitchen sink I shoved it back in my boxers and waited for her to come out of the ladies.
It was a full 15 minutes before she returned, her eyes were lowered and she looked really embarrassed.
“Why did you do that? I suppose it was just a one off, a good looking lad like you shouldn’t be interested in an old women like me”
“Nonsense, that was the best fuck of my life…..and your not old. You have a hot body, great legs and a pretty face.”
Patricia started to relax, my words were just what she needed to hear.
“So you would like to do it again?”
“Of course, come here, let me at you”
Giggling like a school girl her flashing smile returned.
“I didn’t mean now, I meant……would you like to spend time with me next week?”
As we finished sorting the bundles of clothes, Patricia explained that she had lots of spare time and would love to see me again when I had time. Later in the week I phoned her from work, she sounded genuinely happy to hear from me. Arranging to meet in a pub on Friday night, her parting comment “Don’t forget your toothbrush.” Made my cock throb.
The Three Tuns was about 30 miles away, obviously she didn’t want any of the locals seeing us together. It was a big old country pub, with a small hotel out the back. Looking at my watch I saw I was about 15 minutes early, so decided to wait in the car. About 30 minutes later her Rover P5B swept into the car park and parked opposite my car. The sight of Patricia as she got out of her car took my breath away. Her red hair was swept into a bun, gone was the heavy plaid skirt and dreary blouse. Her short dress was about 4″ above her knee and fitted her form perfectly, accenting her small breasts and the swell of her hips. Her long shapely legs were bare and she wore shoes with a 3″ heel.
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