another hot one for fans

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another hot one for fans
Life’s a Hot Bitch (M/b**st)
by Mind Yob ([email protected])


The usual note to let the thieves know they can’t steal
what is freely given. (I *love* to piss them off by
making these stories public domain.) Rewrite it. Change
it. It’s damn certain you aren’t creative enough to be
able to write one on your own. Another public domain
piece of shit by MindYOB…


So we like to fuck. What’s the big fucking deal about

Do you think the fact I have two legs and no fur makes a
damn bit of difference to *her*? Not likely.

Do you think I worry about her being covered in fur and
walking on four paws? Get a fucking life.

All we care about is being able to get my pole in her
hole. A simple exercise in basic physical placement. So,
get your damn attitudes and preconceptions back in your
mind and out of my way.

You ain’t going to figure it out anytime soon so let’s
quit wasting time on this whole consent, abuse and evil

If I fondle her cunt, she knows what I want. Sex. She
can back up and enjoy it or walk away. Do you see any
damn rope holding her? I didn’t think so.

If she sticks her nose in my crotch and starts licking,
I know damn well she isn’t asking me for her dinner.
… Well, maybe she is. I’ve never been able to
tell if she thinks of my cum as dinner and her dog food
as desert. You’ll have to find a way to ask her if
you’re that curious.

If I’m naked and she flips her tail to one side and
backs up so her cunt is against my prick, well, it sure
the hell isn’t ordinary petting she’s looking for.

Wait. Someday you might have a bitch snarl in your face
because you spent too much time on the foreplay. Then
maybe canlı bahis you’ll figure out that sex with a bitch is
something they know how to demand once they get done
teaching you that they have their own needs and you damn
well better deal with them correctly if you want to keep
them around.

Nah. I guess you’d never figure that one out. You sure
haven’t paid any attention when the ol’ lady there has
told you she’s willing to give your prick a try just for
some variety.

Here. Let me show you.

See this? It’s her tail. I’ll pull it to one side so you
can see what’s hidden by it.

See that swollen and wet part? That’s her vulva. Looks
pretty soft doesn’t it? Receptive too. Watch what
happens when I play with it.

Yep, her tail jerked and it twitched pretty violently
doesn’t it?

Notice how she braced and leaned backwards?

Yeah. She knows what she likes and wants more.

Now, if you look closer… Yeah, get your nose down
there and take a deep whiff. Smells pretty good doesn’t
it? Pretty wet too. Means she’s feeling pretty good too.
Getting nice and slippery so there won’t be any problems
going to the main event. She’s also in season. That’s
what causes that tangy smell. Makes her hornier than a
weasel after a rat.

Looks like you’re about ready too. Pretty nice bulge
you’ve got there. Go ahead. Strip. Get naked. She
doesn’t mind as long as your prick is available.

Now, get one of your fingers nice and wet. Stick it in a
bit. Notice it’s blocked? Yeah, they aren’t like women.
You need to slide it up a bit and you’ll find her hole.

Got it? I bet she’s spasming pretty good about now. Move
around a bit. Feel those rings spasming? Yeah, I guess
you do. Looks like you better perabet giriş back off and slide
something else home before you get things too messy.

Hell man, use your imagination. You’re on your knees.
Slide up and see how well you line up. Yeah. She’s just
the right height isn’t she? Funny about that don’t you
think? Sometimes Mother Nature gets something right.
This is one of those times.

Hey, forget trying to slam home like a dog. You ain’t
built for it no-how. Just use a hand to transfer some of
her juice to the tip of your dick. Yeah, that’s it. Now,
while you hold it, gently pull her back on to you.

Oh, come *on*. You’ve seen dogs fuck. Grab her
hindquarters and pull. She knows what’s going on and I
guarantee she ain’t gonna resist you.

See? Easy wasn’t it? Now, the next part can be a bit
tricky so listen close.

You can take that wet finger and kinda place it over the
tip of your prick so it acts as a guide. Yeah, like
that. Now, wiggle around until you find her vulva and
let your finger guide your prick partway in. Once you’re
lined up, pull your finger back out of the way and while
you use your hips to press forward, sorta wiggle it
around until you feel yourself lined up with the
important part. Once you think you’ve got it, use both
hands to pull her back onto you.

Yeah, you got it. Feels good and different doesn’t it?

Hey buddy. If you can’t figure out what to do from here,
then there ain’t no hope for ya.

Yeah, that’s what I mean. Feels nice and wet and warm
and natural don’t it?

Uh huh. Told you so. Now, your first time is probably
gonna go pretty quick so there’s one more thing I gotta
warn you about. Try and remember to reach under perabet güvenilir mi her
chest in front when you get ready to blow. That way you
don’t take a chance on dislocating her hips or
something. Besides, all that fur against your chest is
gonna add something extra. Ain’t no woman able to give
you that feeling.

Now, don’t be afraid of hurting her as you try and drive
your prick up to her throat. All that bone and muscle is
gonna stop that from happening and all you’re gonna do
is really feel some different kind of action.

Hey man. You’re *fucking*. It’s what you want and you
can be sure it’s what she wants right now. The cuddles
and sweet stuff are for later. She let you put it to her
and that’s all you need to know about consent too. If
she wasn’t willing, you can be damn certain you’d have
seen those teeth real fast and *real* close.

Oh, sorry, looks like you ain’t listening to anything
except your prick, heh?

Yeah, now *that* I can understand. Good thing she’s got
strong legs. You ain’t no lightweight when you collapse
like that.

You back yet? Good. Get ready to catch yourself on your
hands as she leaves. No man, relax. It ain’t that she
doesn’t care for ya. She’ll be right back to clean you
up as soon as she gets done running around the room a
few times.

Go ahead and roll over on your back and spread your
legs. Relax.

Yeah, you do look worn out. Pretty intense wasn’t it?

Spread ’em. If you don’t, she will. She wants to make
sure she gets it all.

I know. Scared the hell out of me too the first few
times. Pretty enthusiastic isn’t she? Gentle where it
counts though.

Now, after all that, do you really think she feels

I didn’t think so.

Only time she thinks she’s being abused is when someone
isn’t fucking her when she wants it.

Now, go get your own bitch if you need to get laid
again. We’re gonna do it right and make sure she gets
satisfied properly – this time.

October 2000

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