Best Gig Ever

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Hi! I’m Paul Grantz, one of the thousands of actors around Hollywood waiting for our big break. I’d gotten a scattering of small gigs from “Angry Customer” to “Thug

“. When my agent got me a part as “Dungeon Slave”, of course I replied “Yes”. It was my first role in an erotic movie, but I have bills to pay!

The first day, I was told to come in sandals. I reported to the costuming room, and the cute little thing who works there directed me to strip naked. She knelt down before me and attached a hinged steel ring around the base of my cock. I enjoyed her playing with my penis! The ring was moderately exciting, like a mild cock ring. She then slid my penis into a lubricated shiny steel cage. She showed skill in handling my penis; she manipulated it into the snug cage like an expert! She locked the cage to the ring with a tiny luggage lock and dispatched me on my way.

Today’s scene was simple for me. I had to stand in the background of a dungeon set bearing a torch. There were lots of people around and nobody seemed bothered by my nudity. Some riggers escorted in a gorgeous nude golden-haired girl and directed her to kneel over a long bench. The bench was black leather, and fully padded, an exquisite piece of fetish furniture. I watched the riggers wrap the black leather straps around her to firmly hold her in place. I knew what I would be thinking of as I jerked off tonight! My cock started stiffening, and I felt the cage pressing in. The weight and size of this cage made me so aware of my cock!

I was positioned beneath a concealed light, and the torch I was holding ws lit. Shooting started and Master Eric came in, performing his lines to torment the slave as he idly caressed her ass. I was sweating during the filming from the heat of the torch and being right under that light, but I could handle it.

Between takes, I looked down at my cock. My skin was bulging between the gaps in the cage. Oh yeah. I would be shooting my load tonight! I couldn’t wait to get home.

When shooting finally wrapped up, the lighting guy came to talk to me. My sweat made me look shiny on camera. As we talked, He agreed to relocate the light for tomorrow’s shooting.

I made my way over to the costuming girl to get the cage off my cock. The service window was shut. I tried the door, but it was locked. Someone was walking by, so I asked “Where’s the girl from costuming?”

“Oh! Brittany said something about an appointment for her nails, so had to leave promptly on time. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”

Damn it! My cock was locked in this thing overnight! Well, for all I know I could still jerk off with it on…

On the drive home, I kept thinking of the dainty adorable costuming girl, her flouncing ponytail and the way she handled my cock. I wanted to her to handle me more, until I shot my load all over her smiling little face.

I normally masturbate in bed. I went to bed a bit early, and started rubbing. I got deeply into it, and felt my penis getting so hard, and confined by the damned cage. I fantasized it was Brittany’s escort etiler hands around my cock…or maybe her mouth. Or perhaps her cunt? I wanted to orgasm, but I just couldn’t! I got so firm, but the cage refused to allow me crest the hill! Damn it!

I woke up in the early morning, my cock rock hard, pressing against the relentless cage. I caressed my confined cock, and it felt so good! I rubbed more, enjoying the excitement build. Once again, I just couldn’t cum! I got up well before my alarm. I had to talk to Brittany!

After an erotically frustrating drive, I strode up to her window, full of purpose. “You left yesterday and kept the key to the cage around my cock!”

She smiled, showing me her mouth with the braces gleaming on her teeth. They made her look so young! “Yeah, I realized that on the way home.” She giggled. “You know, I enjoyed the feeling. Knowing that your cock was locked up, and I possessed the key. I toyed with the key at home, treasuring it. Why don’t we go out to El Bandito after work to talk more?”

It was one way to make sure she didn’t leave again with the key, so I agreed.

All during today’s shoot, I was watching Master Eric spank the girl’s ass. She sucked on his cock. My cock got hard from time to time as I watched the action. I pressed against the shiny cage, yet all I could think of was Brittany!

At the end of the shoot, the producer stopped me. “I loved the look on your face today. You looked like a caged tiger; waiting to pounce, yet restrained. Loved it!”

I quickly strode through the set to Brittany. “Can I have the key?”

She brushed me off with a gorgeous smile and an “Oh. Later.” She took her time finishing up despite my urgent looks. We got in my car for the brief drive to El Bandito.

When I parked, she cooed “Would you be a gentleman and open the door for me?”

I came around the car and opened up her door like a gentleman. She unzipped my fly. Finally! I could get this cage off! I felt her fiddling with the cage. She called out, “There! All set!” When she pulled her hands away, I could see she secured some practically invisible fishing line to the cage. She was holding the other end of the leash. Oh god, my cock was still locked!

Brittany stood up and started walking to the restaurant. I was forced to follow. I am considerably taller than her with a longer stride. My brain kept directing me to walk at my normal pace. The leash forced me to go at her sedate pace. This was so erotically frustrating! I watched her cute little ass in front of me, fantasizing about being able to shove my rock hard cock up in there. She would squeal like a pig as I filled her ass with my cum.

We made it to the restaurant. When we were getting seated, with her in the lead of course. I was so self-conscious about anyone noticing the leash, or god forbid anyone would try to walk between us!

We looked through the menus and decided what we wanted. She ordered some stuffed peppers, and then the waitress turned to me. I escort nişantaşı ordered “I would…” I gasped as Brittany started lightly tugging on the leash, pulling my penis so wonderfully. Damn that felt magnificent, but I was in the middle of ordering tacos!” I gasped out the rest of my order and turned to Brittany.

She was showing off her devilish braced smile. She giggled. “That was fun! You should have seen it from my side!” The teasing caused me to covet her all the more. I felt a desperate need to cum all over her, and I had a growing amount of semen stored up!

We chatted as we ate. I watched as she tossed her fluffy ponytail and toyed with her earrings. I loved her low cut top, showing off her nice full boobs. Brittany has really nice tits. They are perky and oversized for her minute body. I’d love planting my face right between them.

Brittany tugged hard on the leash, painfully yanking on my cock! I let out a deep agonized groan and my eyes shot up to her face. She smiled, feigning innocence. “My face is up here. You know, after all the times guys stared me in the boobs, it feels genuinely rewarding to be able to do something about it!

Oh god! She had my cock and there was nothing I could do about it! It thoroughly led me to desire her all the more!

When we finished dinner, she preceded me out of El Bandito. She turned left into the parking lot. I pointed and stammered “Um…my car is that way.”.

“Yeah, I know. I consider all of the times that I had to scamper to keep up with men as they chose where to go. I’m going to savor this.” She chose a circuitous route through the parking lot, meandering as her whim drove her. I helplessly followed behind, watching that flouncing ponytail and that tight ass. Her white high heels clicked on the pavement, encouraging me all the more to take her!

I drove Brittany home to her modest one bedroom condo. She sweetly asked if I would like to come in. Oh yeah! Now is my chance!

We quickly made our way to her bedroom and laid down on her bed. We started making out. I stripped off my clothes, everything but the cock cage. Brittany enjoyed the show with her smile. The gleam from her braces reminded me that I was at least 4 years older than her.

She guided my hands up over my head, and I heard ratcheting. I tugged, and one hand was cuffed to the headboard! I looked at her, and she smiled “Oh, you’re so big and strong! We can’t have you taking me so quickly! We need to savor this!” I wanted her so badly that I let her guide my other hand up, and she cuffed it into place.

She took off her blouse, and I saw she was wearing a necklace underneath it. The key to my cock cage had been dangling between those gorgeous breasts of hers all day! That thought made my cock pulse into the confining cock cage. She slid off her skirt and panties. She ran her hands over her legs, showing off her gartered white stockings.

I could see her pussy! My cock was throbbing! I was close! Brittany seized hold of my cock. “Oh my! escort beşiktaş It seems like you are thoroughly aroused.” She idly ran her fingers up and down. I could feel her fingers when they touched my bulging skin, then nothing as they ran over the steel, then back to teasing my bulging cock.

My eyes glazed over as she caressed my cock. Off and on I felt her fingers, sometimes I felt those freshly painted nails of hers. I panted. I started humping her hands. I was so desperate to cum! I gasped, “Oh, I’m so close to cumming!”

Brittany giggled. “Not yet you’re not.” My head was swimming in euphoric hormones as I shamelessly humped back and forth. She mused, “But I guess you are ready!”

She took off her bra and laid down next to me. In another moment, I had rolled on top of her. My hands were still attached to the headboard, but I started thrusting my cock into her crotch. I pumped into her, ground into her. In but seconds, I was ready to orgasm. My body quaked, I shook all over, yet I still couldn’t quite cum! As my excitement fell, I desperately thrust all the more, building it back up. I neared orgasm again, and again it just couldn’t be done. I pleaded “Brittany, can I be unlocked?”

She smiled “So quick? We’re only started!”

Oh god I wanted her! I went at it again at a frenzied pace. I kept nearing orgasm again and again. My cock throbbed as it pushed against the cage in a futile attempt to burst it apart. The cock ring seemed snug, urging me on, yet denying orgasm at the same time! I looked down at her gorgeous boobs. I pulled on the handcuffs, but they were secured up. I just couldn’t caress her boobs like I wanted to. I pressed my chest into her tits, enjoying the feel of them as I tried to orgasm again and again. After an hour, I asked again “Can I be unlocked and orgasm?”

“Oh, not yet. I’m not done playing with you.”

I whimpered and wiggled all over her, hoping for enough stimulation for that elusive orgasm. Finally, I was exhausted. I rolled off of her and glanced at the clock. We had been at it for over 2 hours!

Brittany released one hand from the handcuffs, guiding my arms behind my back. She re-fastened my arms back there. “Time to pleasure me Paul.” She went sideways on the bed and spread her legs. I understood what she wanted. I knelt next to the bed and started licking her pussy. She was already so wet. I lavishly lapped at her, and she hooked her stockings over my shoulders. I could feel her heels pressing into my back, urging me to press more vigorously.

I licked. I sucked. I twiddled her twat with my tongue. She enjoyed it all, gasping and moaning. Her heels pressed harder into my back. She started to shudder and came in a violent orgasm!

She weakly unlocked the handcuffs and rolled onto her stomach. In her post-orgasmic bliss, she muttered “That was wonderful…”

I still hadn’t orgasmed! I started caressing her body, hoping for more play. She muttered “Oh, you still have energy. That’s good. Yes…rub my back…”

“But I still haven’t orgasmed!”

“Oh, you’ll be trained in time. With good behavior, you will earn treats: rubbing my boobs, even orgasms here and there.

As I massaged her back, I thought about my situation. I’m bigger, stronger and older than this cute little costuming girl, but she’s keeping a relentless grip on my cock. Damn do I want her!

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