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Boy Brides – Public Punishment Part One
During the following week I was interested to hear how Darren and David had settled into the KBG and, so when a further opportunity arose to ask them, I discovered very similar experiences in the beginning and then complete opposites as time went on.
Darren was first to tell me and his story continues as follows.
“Two weeks in to my time at Tulle Towers and I was called upstairs to see Madame Margaret. I was hoping she had enjoyed our time together and thought this would be another order to service her love lips. I couldn’t have been more wrong. At the bottom of the stairs I was stripped naked by two maids, transvestites who enjoyed the chance to make my cock stand to attention for Madame. It also gave me the chance to show off my weapon to some of the kinky brides who were going around the hallway. Finally, making sure my cock was standing straight, the maids knocked on her door and I was ushered in. Madame was waiting for me in a long negligee of white lace, which she opened slightly for me to place my lips on her pussy lips for a few seconds. I stood up.”
“I’ve been hearing you want to have sex with Claire, one of the twins. I presume you intend to do this at your mother’s shop or maybe even here.”
“There was a silent pause as I contemplated her tone of voice and what she was saying.”
Madame continued, “Well I have some news for you which I want you to listen to carefully. Just because you delivered her bridal gown doesn’t mean you have permission to approach her direct for a kinky time. The little slut has a Sugardaddy to think about and should have sought his permission long before she began to give you positive signs. So, it is house rules that both of you should be punished, lightly for yourself as you may not have been aware of the proper procedures. Claire, on the other hand should have known better and will therefore receive a more severe sentence. Nevertheless it will be just as exciting for both of you. Her Sugardaddy has decided that both of you should spend half a day in the ‘Agony Annexe of Wankers World’ where you will both be videoed as a keepsake and a warning to others who may stray from the rules provided.”
“I had to have Madame explain about Wankers World.”
“In the basement of this house we have Wankers World, a place mainly for clitlickers who are starved of touching their own clit or unable to dress in anything but their statutory white stockings and suspenders escort etiler until they have licked clean 100 clits. Of course they are also deprived of having sex with a kinky bride during this time so, as a form of enticement to get to 100, we have developed an incentive scheme which allows them a day in Wankers World for every 20 clits licked. In Wankers World they are strapped to a chair for the day with one arm left free so that they can masturbate to the movies we are showing, most of which will feature some of the things they are missing or even themselves or other clitlickers. Periodically they are visited by a real live petticoat person, either a bride or a dancer or French Maid, any form of petticoat dress at all really. It might be a G-girl or a T-girl or even a stud who is out for a laugh, as they allow their dress to get close to our clitlicker who will be masturbating furiously in no time at all. Upstairs in a viewing room it is lovely to sit back with a drink and watch and listen to all the things clitlickers would love to do to get their hands on the dress or the girl within. During their eight hour stay they are permitted to ejaculate as many times as they wish but must make a minimum four, one of which has to be in the mouth of the clitlicker being punished for misdemeanours on the day. The room can accommodate up to four persons at a time and, unlike those being rewarded for active participation, the clits licked or sucked by the one being punished are not deducted from his or hers total.”
“Madame paused for a minute or so during which time she opened her negligee a little further and had me lick her. She then continued.”
“However you will not be downstairs on Saturday. For first-timers we have an annexe in the city which provides some amazing excitement for all involved. You and Claire will be going there in the afternoon, it’s much quieter then and appropriate for the kind of punishment her Sugardaddy deemed appropriate for a first offence.”
“Madame then slipped off her negligee and led me by my cock into her room.”
“As a nice bonus I want you to lick me off and then slip that lovely big cock deep into me. I’m ready for a good fuck.”
“It was a fantastic fuck, her legs either wide open or wrapped tight around my upper body as I followed her strict instructions. I was hitting the right spot and decided to kiss her. I got a reaction I wasn’t expecting.”
“I want you to escort nişantaşı fuck me not fall in love with me,” she blurted out and went on. “Use your mouth only to lick or suck clit.”
“I was determined after that, that Madame would cum first and thankfully she did. I soon blasted my shot into her and was then reminded that a clitlicker would be waiting for us so we had to make our way to the stairs.
“A new girl called Nicola, married and in her late twenties was instructed to attend to me as her husband followed carefully what Madame said and licked my cum from her cunny, before sharing it with his gorgeous wife in a loving kiss.
“Saturday morning I received my orders to meet two men near my mother’s bridalwear shop. Under my male clothes I was wearing my white stockings and suspenders. After walking through the precinct we arrived at a ground floor office and I was shown into a side room. I was excited to see at least seven bridal gowns as well as rock n roll petticoats and maids outfit. None of them was for me. Apart from my ladies underwear I was to be naked. Soon Madame Margaret’s assistant, Mandy arrived on the scene to explain my punishment. She pointed to the door opposite as she spoke.
“Inside the room is a large oval desk in front of the window. You are to climb onto the desk and quite simply to masturbate to any pretty girl walking towards you down the street. We think the desk is far enough back for them not to see you but we don’t really know. A camera is mounted on the wall behind you to record your actions but don’t get too excited all at once because you need to save yourself for later. Of course if you are detected, you will be in here alone as we will be standing up the street watching you. You should also watch us for a given signal to jump off the desk and move right up close to the glass. Failure to do so will mean a proper punishment on your return to Tulle Towers.”
“I just nodded I understood when she asked, I was more concerned about what was behind the door. I took a deep breath and entered the room to have the door locked behind me. It was bare except for the desk and the large floor to ceiling window of tinted glass through which I could see a few people walking on the street, a street which, during the week, is normally filled with thousands from the offices and shops in the precinct. The office window looked straight up the wide pavement and was situated where the escort beşiktaş pavement narrowed to negotiate the building in which I stood. A voice behind me from the camera position reminded me I should be on the table in full view of my audience. I was very reluctant until Mandy appeared at the window and motioned for me to do it.
This made me more nervous but I did as I was told just in time to see a lovely red haired girl walking towards me. Gingerly (pardon the pun) I stroked my penis in front of her as she stopped to look at a poster in a shop window. Then I saw two faces I recognised as I watched Anne and her daughter-in-law, Lucy, both with a glimpse of petticoat hanging below their skirts. They looked at me as they passed and then the red head seemed to look straight at me, but her expression never changed. I could see Mandy and the two men in view as I kept wanking to any passing female.
“Ten minutes had passed and I was surprised I had not yet been seen. Then Mandy moved immediately in front of the window and motioned for me to come forward. I followed her hand signals and looked up the street to see Claire and Laura walking towards me. Apart from a man walking some distance behind and another just passing them, but going in the opposite direction, the street was quite deserted. Mandy gave me another signal to come further forward. I did so and only three feet from the glass I masturbated at two girls I really wanted to fuck. The nearer they got the more they looked in my direction and seemed to have their gaze fixed on me, performing in a window on a public street.
I was more confident now seeing these girls and saw Mandy and one of the men move in behind to follow them towards me. Laura and Claire looked nervous, not their usual smiling faces, and I soon found out why. About 15 yards away their coats hit the ground and they continued their walk naked except for the same items of underwear as myself. I completely lost any inhibitions at that and pressed against the window as they came closer. They blew kisses at me and made gestures of sucking my cock. “On reaching the window I was unable to control my feelings towards them and my ejaculation fountained onto the window glass in front of them as I screamed my wish to fuck them on the street.
“I was still shaking and spurting my final drops when Mandy and the man shrouded the girls with their coats again, moved on, and left me alone again as I tried to hide behind the table.
“A few minutes later I was joined by Mandy who congratulated me on my performance and added how much the girls had enjoyed seeing me as they went passed. I wanted to know where they had gone, especially when she said they were on their way to the bridal wear shop to select new bridal gowns for another kinky wedding.”
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