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The week had been long & it was only Thursday. There were still a couple others still in the office and she had to drag her mind back to the task at hand. Only another hour and a half then she would leave. An IM message popped up … “you in the office?” It was Mark. They had worked together at her old company and kept in touch. She IM’d back “yes.”
“I need to get out of here for a while. Want to meet for a drink?”
The strain of the day caught up real quick & she made a quick decision. “Sure.”
With the arrangements made she start packed up her desk & prepared to leave. Co-workers chuckled that she was in a hurry. “I have an invite for drinks” she told them, smiling.
It was close to her office, but she had never been there before. He was waiting when she drove up and parked. They kissed & hugged their hellos before heading inside. First there was conversation over glasses of Asti Spumante, which was followed by a delectable dinner. Time seemed to fly and 2 hours passed before she was aware bedava bahis of it.
“Are you in a hurry to get home, Nikki?” he asked. Her answer was “No.”
In the end they drove around checking out some sites in the city and talking about Nikki’s sex life, past & present. Much of it he already knew from previous conversations, but he seemed to like hearing about it. Mark also found out something new — it had been quite some time since Nikki had last been with a lover.
Mark found a quiet street leading to a reservoir entrance — not too many buildings and not busy at that time of night. Parking the vehicle he turned off the lights. He made himself comfortable, removing his seatbelt & reclining his seat a few degrees. Nikki turned to look at him in the darkness, seeing only a glint of light reflected from the far off streetlights.
He reached an arm out to stroke the back of her neck & down her arm. He spoke softly telling her of his attraction, his desire to take her. casino siteleri Nikki allowed herself to be coaxed into his arms for an open mouthed kiss. Their tongues dueling, his hand skimmed across her chest before coming back to her face holding her still for his invasion.
His cock strained at his pants and within minutes he had freed himself into the cool darkness. Nikki feasted her eyes on his erect cock before leaning over to take him in her mouth. This is a favorite activity for her and she is determined to savor every moment. He reached beneath her jeans to rub and squeeze her ass as her mouth works his rod. Ah it feels so good.
He began to stroke his cock using a faster rhythm than hers. Nikki rose up to kiss him once more. The moment is interrupted and they freeze in tableau, caught in the flash of headlights as a van pulls into the street. It glides past the two, the cab is all in darkness. Nikki can’t help but wonder — do they know? Can they guess what we’re doing? The bahis siteleri windows are fogging up so it can’t be too much of a secret.
“Where did they go?” Mark asked.
Turning to look over her far shoulder, Nikki responded ” I see lights over there behind us.” That is when she felt his hands on her breasts looking to gain access. Turning forward, Nikki lifted her top & unhooked her bra. “Here” she says, offering a breast to his mouth.
Mark leaned in to suckle at her breast. “Tell me what you want,” he urged.
“Bite it. Bite it gently,” Nikki begged. And for a while the only sounds were her moans.
As one they shifted — Mark leaned back in his seat as Nikki once again engulfed his cock in her hot wet mouth. Mark offered words of encouragement and enjoyment as alternately she worked her tongue around his shaft, then pumped her mouth up and down fucking him with her mouth. She could taste the saltiness of his pre-come as he neared his climax. Once again his hand moved to his cock and she again assaulted his mouth. Incoherent words were murmured, touches became frenzied and tension built, only to be released when his climax was spent.
“I wanted to taste your pussy too,” Mark told her. “I want you to enjoy it too.” She smiled into the darkness.
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