Day at the Lake

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After being in college for four years, we were nearing graduation time. During my senior year I developed a friendship with several other seniors including Brad.

One of them was Paul. Paul was older, he’d been in the military for at least ten years and for some reason he decided not to make it his career. As such he had more resources than the rest of us, like a boat. He also had a young wife, Doris. She was right out of high school while Paul was in his early thirties. Paul, Brad, and a couple of other guys often would come to our house to work on group projects which were common in the senior year of school. I think Amanda’s free swinging boobs has a lot to do with where we studied.

At this time it was many years before I would hear about Amanda’s activities with Brad and our neighbor Art. I certainly was aware of Amanda’s bralessness and I wasn’t about to complain. I was enjoying the show myself.

One weekend Paul and Doris invited us to go to a nearby lake with them to get away from school for a little bit and to just relax. Still being in college, our financial resources were somewhat limited so we just took some sandwiches, chips, and water. Paul and I did spring for a couple of six packs of beer.

I wore some shorts that I tended to wear most days and Amanda wore an old two piece swimming suit she’d had since high school. Her boobs had grown since then so they did swell out over the tops of the cups of the suit. Neither Paul nor I complained. Paul’s wife had pretty small boobs, maybe a B cup and she hadn’t had any kids so she had a small bikini to wear.

Both women wore bursa eskort bayan their suits with just some shorts on so their tops and boobs were on display. Amanda brought along a change of clothes for on the way home. Amanda and I brought our kids along since we couldn’t afford a babysitter.

Amanda, Doris, and the babies were in the back seat. As we drove, I watched Paul as he frequently looked in the rear view mirror gocusung on Amanda’s boobs.

When we got to the lake, we launched the boat and Art took it to a campground nearby. I drove the car over to the campground and the girls got out and set up for our lunch. With the babies along we planned on taking turns heading out on the water with one or two of us staying.

Amanda and Doris headed to the boat with Paul and I was staying with the babies. As Amanda tried into the boat she slipped, as she caught herself her top slipped down and her boobs fell out. I got a good eye full, and I’m pretty sure Paul got a good look too. She regained her feet, adjusted her top and climbed in the boat.

As they headed out, I noticed that every swell that bounced the boat also had a pronounced affect on Amanda’s boobs. They would jiggle, bounce, and work their way up and almost out of her top. Amanda would pull her top up and sit back waiting for the next bounce. A couple of times I thought I see her nipples making an appearance but I was too far away to be certain. I was pretty sure that Paul was steering to the swells and waves intentionally.

The bouncing boat didn’t have any effect on Doris, and I don’t think she even noticed gursu eskort what was happening with Amanda. But I know Paul was watching. Later I went out with Paul and the girls stayed with the babies. Paul commented he was sorry if the way he was driving the boat made Amanda uncomfortable, but he did enjoy the view.

After we had all been out in the boat we settled down for our simple lunch. As we sat cross-legged on the ground we ate our sandwiches. With her swimsuit bottoms on, Amanda wasn’t showing anything between her legs but there wasn’t much hiding her boobs and Paul certainly paid attention to them.

After lunch we again took turns in the boat and Paul was out with Amanda and Doris. Amanda did have a couple of beers for lunch so she was pretty relaxed. They stayed near the shore so I was able to see them. This time when they bounced over the water and Amanda’s swimsuit top worked it’s way down, Amanda didn’t notice, or maybe she chose not to, regardless, she didn’t pull it back up right away. Once her boobs worked their way out of her top, they really danced around and put on a show and I noticed Paul keeping his eye on them. As they headed back to shore, I saw Paul say something to Amanda, she acted surprised and quickly pulled her top back up.

As Amanda climbed out of the boat, she slipped and fell in the water. Paul quicky went to help her, and as he helped her up, he got a good handful of boob. He quickly moved his hand away and finished helping her out of the water. We loaded the boat up, packed up our lunch and headed home. Amanda announced she wanted Bursa elden ödeme escort to change clothes before we got in the car. She didn’t want to ride home in wet clothes. She went to the outhouse to change. When she came back it was clear she wasn’t wearing her bra. I hadn’t paid attention to whether she had brought a bra or not but I was surprised that she wasn’t wearing one now. I didn’t say anything as we gathered up the baby to head home.

Paul drank several beers during the day so he asked me to drive, I said sure. Doris complained that riding in the back made her car sick and asked to ride up front, so Paul and Amanda ended up in the back. I’m not sure if someone planned it this way but it happened.

As we headed home I had to check in the mirror frequently to check on the boat. I noticed that Amanda was falling asleep. And I also noticed Paul watching her boobs. When were about half way home I noticed that Paul was pulling open the top of Amanda’s shirt and getting a good look at Amanda’s boobs. I then noticed that Amanda wasn’t really asleep. She had her eyes slightly open and she was watching Paul’s hand as it lifted the edge of her shirt. Clearly Amanda was aware of what was happening so I didn’t say anything, although I kept watching.

We were getting close to home when I saw Amanda grab Paul’s hand and slide it down inside her shirt and press his hand against her boob. He rubbed his hand all around both boobs until we got into town. As we went past street lights the inside of the car was lit up and Paul quickly pulled his hand out of Amanda’s blouse. She stretched and sat up and acted like nothing had happened.

I drove to our house, Amanda, the babies, and I got out and headed inside while Paul and Doris headed home. I asked about what she thought about the day, she indicated she’d had a nice day and enjoyed being able to sleep on the way home.

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