Diary of a High Price Escort Ch. 23

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I couldn’t recall ever waking up alone in a hotel room before, when Barry and I traveled the first order of business was to give him a good morning blowjob but today I just rolled over pulled the bedspread up over my head to block the brilliant morning sunshine streaming through the sliver of an opening in the heavy drapes and tried to fall back to sleep. Unfortunately, the thoughts of what had happened the evening before crept into my mind. I’d lowered my standards to the point that I became a common whore, hooking up with a john in the bar, negotiating my price and then fucking him like all the other street whores in America do every day.

I found some solace in the fact that like all those other women I didn’t get dressed and go out to try and find another trick. That old adage that hindsight is 20/20 certainly confirmed that going forward my relationship with Elegant Escorts is something I want to continue for the foreseeable future.

Since it was obvious, I wasn’t going to fall back to sleep, I got out of bed, showered, dressed and left the room. I was certain that Jonathan had already handled check out so I just headed for the parking garage.

“Good morning miss,” the parking attendant said as I approached his kiosk.

I handed him my parking ticket and replied likewise, “Good morning to you sir.”

He scampered off to retrieve my car and a few minutes later pulled to a stop where I was waiting. I handed him a ten-dollar bill for taking such good care of my Benz, then slipped into the driver’s seat and pulled out into the brilliant morning light.

The drive home gave me time to plan my day. I’d complete my report to Daddy and hopefully, have a reply from my attorney about my divorce. I pulled into the garage, closed the door and headed for the kitchen door. My answering machine was blinking indicating that I had messages to play and as I waited for a pot of coffee to brew listened to them. The first was from Phil the car dealer who was searching for a replacement for my Benz he said, “Angel, it’s Phil from Rusty’s I think I may have found you the perfect SUV to consider. Maybe you could stop by my lot tomorrow to take a look at it. I think you’ll be happy with the price too; cars were selling at a discounted price the other day at the auction. Look forward to hearing from you.”

The second message was from my attorney, Laura, she said, “Margaret, give me a call I think we have a done deal with his lawyers.” I’d have to wait until Monday to call her back since I didn’t think she’d be in her office on a Saturday morning.

I poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table with my laptop to read my emails and give Daddy a short report on my appointment with Jonathan.

I was somewhat surprised to find two emails from Daddy. Opening the first I read his words, “Angel I made a couple of phone calls yesterday and I think you’ll find your husband’s lawyer a little more agreeable to an amicable settlement. I’ll let your lawyer fill you in on the details.”

I had to assume those phone calls were to the managing partners of Barry’s firm and it made me feel good knowing that Daddy had gone to bat with them on my behalf. I’d have to offer him something as compensation for doing that for me.

The second email from Daddy concerned an appointment, he wrote, “Angel I spoke with a client who is interested in an appointment on Monday afternoon. He is an elderly gentleman that would like an escort for lunch only. His name is Robert and he would like you to meet him at his office then have an extended lunch with him. The address is 115 N Center Street, please arrive at his office promptly at twelve-thirty. Give the receptionist your name as Angel and tell her you’re there for an appointment with Robert. I’ll leave the remaining details to him.”

I sat back in my chair took a sip of coffee as I stared at the address. “Oh my god,” I thought when it finally dawned on me that the address was for Barry’s firm. Daddy was asking me to handle an appointment with one of the managing partners and I was certain that the details of our divorce would be something to be discussed either before or during lunch. I’d have to be very careful what I disclosed to him so I wouldn’t jeopardize the settlement Daddy had them agree to.

I’d need to speak with Laura Monday morning to have as much information as possible before I met with Robert for lunch. I replied to Daddy’s second email confirming that I’d handle the Monday appointment with Robert. By the time I finished my coffee and closed my email, it was nearly eleven. I found Phil’s card and dialed his number.

He answered my call, “Morning Rusty’s”

“Hi, Phil it’s Angel calling,” I replied.

“Hey darlin, you ready to see your new ride?” Phil asked.

“Absolutely,” I answered.

“I have it here on the lot with a sold sign on the windshield, can you stop by today to take a look at it?” Phil asked.

“Love to, how long are you open today?” I asked.

“I close at one on Saturday, why don’t you stop by about then and we can take it for a test drive,” he suggested.

“But Escort bayan Phil won’t I be keeping you from your other plans for this afternoon?” I asked.

Phil laughed loudly, then said, “You are my plans for this afternoon Angel.”

I giggled, then said, “Why Phil if I didn’t know better, I’d think you might want a test drive too.”

“So, can I plan on seeing you today?” Phil asked.

“Absolutely hun,” I replied.

“Great, I’ll see you later,” he said before hanging up.

I had to assume he’d found me a great replacement for my Benz and unlike the first time we met, I could plan on dressing to entice my friendly car dealer. I went upstairs and spent some time curling my blonde locks and applying makeup that was sure to get the point across to him. Unlike the first time we met when I wore jeans and flat sandals this time, I would give him something a little flashier to catch his attention. I slipped my legs into a pair of thigh high stockings and pulled on a black lacy thong, then wiggled into a tight black skirt that I knew would ride up my thighs when sitting in a car.

I love how my legs look when I wear sexy shoes and picked a pair with four-inch spike heels. I decided not to wear a bra under a white satin blouse and finished off my outfit with a waist-length black leather jacket. This time when I met with him, he’d know instantly that I was interested in more than the vehicle he’d found for me.

Phil was fiddling with something under the hood of a car when I pulled into Rusty’s Used Cars. The sound of my Benz coming to a stop beside where he was working caught his attention and he straightened up, turning toward me. I lowered the passenger window as he stepped toward my car and bent down greeting me, “Hiya Angel,” he said.

“Hey Phil,” I replied. I flashed him a brilliant white smile, but his eyes had already dropped to my legs, the slightest sliver of dark nylon stocking top showing just below the hem of my tight black skirt.

His eyes moved up to my face as he said, “I see what you mean.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“You certainly look more comfortable today,” he answered remembering my admission when we first met that wearing a short skirt and stilettos was more to my liking.

I just smiled again acknowledging his memory of our conversation from the first time we met.

“Give me a minute,” Phil said as he straightened up and turned back toward the car he was working on. As Phil lowered the hood of that car, I raised the passenger window, then watched as he walked around the front of my Benz, wiping his hands with a blue mechanics rag. He tucked the rag into his hip pocket and reached for the door handle opening the driver’s door.

I lifted my left foot above the rocker panel and turned sideways in my seat giving him a better view of my shapely leg and the sexy stiletto on my foot. He offered his strong hand to help me out of the car and as I slid sideways my skirt rose up on my thigh allowing him a brief glimpse of the top of my thigh high and the creamy white flesh above. I slid out of my Benz stood up and smiled at him as his eyes rose to meet mine and he said, “I have to agree with you Angel, you certainly look a lot more enticing today.”

I smiled at him again knowing that sometime this afternoon I’d be enticing him by wiggling out of my tight black skirt and showing off my sexy ass and the creamy flesh above my stockings.

“So, what did you find for me?” I asked.

“I have it parked behind the office,” Phil said as he took my hand in his and walked me toward the shed that he called an office.

We rounded the corner of the building and I got my first look at what he’d purchased at the auction, it was a bright red four-door SUV with the letters GMC boldly mounted on the front. It was certainly different from the Benz I’m used to but I liked the lines of the car.

“It’s a 2012 GMC Acadia,” he offered.

“I like the lines,” I remarked as we walked along the side of the car.

Phil opened the driver’s door and said, “Black leather interior and a full complement of creature comforts.”

I leaned down and stuck my head inside, the smell of leather and air freshener wafted into my nostrils. The driver’s seat did show some signs of wear, but I had to assume that’s something you can expect with a used vehicle. I straightened up, turned to face Phil and said, “I like the looks of the inside too.”

“Let’s take it for a test drive,” Phil suggested.

I smiled at him and answered, “I’d like that.”

“Give me a minute to grab the keys, a tag and lock up the office,” he said.

While I waited, I walked around the car checking for scratches and dents and found no glaring problems there.

Phil returned and placed a magnetic license plate on the rear deck lid, then said, “Let me pull it off the lot, then you can take over Angel.”

He opened the passenger door and waited for me to slip into the car hoping to catch a second glimpse of my shapely legs then closed the door.

As he slid into the driver’s seat Bayan escort Phil remarked, “It’s got low miles and because it’s a four-cylinder engine will get great gas mileage.”

Phil carefully pulled the car around his office, then out onto the street. “Everything works perfectly,” he remarked as he drove slowly away from his lot.

I turned slightly toward him as he drove and asked, “How much is it?”

As he pulled into the lot of a convenience store a few businesses from his he glanced toward me and answered, “It’s eleven five.”

That was about three thousand more than I’d planned on paying to replace my Benz but I figured I’d give it a test drive and talk about getting a better price.

“Switch seats, I think you’ll like the way it drives,” Phil said as he placed the shifter in park.

I didn’t wait for him to open the passenger door figuring that when I slipped into the driver’s seat, I could let him stare at my legs while I drove the car.

“It’s certainly a shiny bright red color,” I remarked again as we passed one another at the front of the car.

Before I got in, I slipped my short leather jacket off and placed it on the back seat, Phil watched carefully as I slipped into the driver’s seat, his eyes first focusing on the dark tops of my stockings, then as I buckled the seat belt across my chest how the fabric of my white satin blouse was pulled tightly against my big firm tits. I glanced toward him as I shifted the car into drive to make sure that he’d noticed how my erect nipples poked at the satin covering them, then turned my attention to driving this strange car. As we started along the busy street, I mentioned, “It’s a little more than I had budgeted for.”

Phil’s car salesman technique kicked in as he said, “Let’s see if you like the way it drives, then we can talk about the price.”

The car drove flawlessly, smooth acceleration and braking and I liked that it was a lot higher than my Benz.

“GMC’s are known for their low maintenance costs and this one has four new tires so you should be good to go for the next year or so,” he said trying his best to sell me on the higher cost.

“I do like the way it drives,” I commented as we continued away from his lot.

Phil smiled and remarked, “You look great in the driver’s seat, Angel.”

I giggled and answered, “I bet you say that to all your prospective buyers.”

“Ya got me,” he replied, confirming he’d used that comment on previous buyers. He quickly added, “But in your case, it’s a fact.”

I smiled at him in thanks for the clarification.

“Take the entrance ramp to the interstate Angel, I want you to feel how it accelerates to highway speed and how smooth the ride is at sixty miles an hour,” he suggested. I followed his suggestion and as I approached the merge point pressed on the gas, the GMC sped up instantly and in no time, I was going fifty-five and merging into traffic. As I drove along the interstate I said, “It’s almost as quick as my Benz.”

Phil is an experienced salesman knowing that the best place to discuss price is where the customer can’t get away easily.

“Let’s pull into the rest stop ahead and we can take a look around the vehicle and talk price,” he suggested.

As I steered the car off the highway, I noticed a half dozen cars parked in front of the restroom building.

“Go around the back so we won’t have to deal with any other folks,” Phil said.

The parking area behind was void of any other cars and as I pulled into a space, I glanced at him and said, “Are you trying to get me alone Phil?”

He laughed and replied, “Just trying to avoid any distractions.”

Phil quickly got out and moved to the driver’s side of the car as I opened the door. He offered his hand to assist me out and again let his eyes drop to scan my nylon covered legs, but as I straightened up before him his eyes rose to my chest to enjoy the image of my big firm tits and erect nipples poking at the satin fabric of my blouse. He remarked, “You certainly are one sexy looking woman.”

I giggled again and said, “I bet you don’t make that kind of comment to every one of your female customers.”

“First time for everything, Angel,” he answered.

I again smiled knowing that sometime later I was planning on showing him just how sexy I can be.

“So, you were going to show me all the features of the car?” I reminded him.

For the next few minutes, Phil described the creature comforts and accessories of the GMC walking me around the vehicle as he did.

When he finished his sales pitch, I leaned against on fender and said, “I like the car Phil so let’s talk price.”

“Tell me how much you planned on spending,” he asked.

“I’ve budgeted eight grand including tax,” I replied.

He paused a moment, I assumed doing some mental math, then said, “I’ve got more than that in the car already, the best I can do would be ten grand including tax and tags.”

“We’re only two thousand apart, I seem to recall you saying we could work something out on the price when we first Escort talked,” I reminded him.

“I did,” he replied.

“So, what did you have in mind hun,” I asked.

He swallowed hard, then said, “I could let you make monthly payments in cash for the next fifteen months, or maybe we could work out a trade agreement.”

I laughed at his use of the term “trade agreement”, then asked, “By trade agreement can I assume we’re talking about sex?”

“That’ll work for me,” he replied.

I decided to be open and upfront with him and replied, “I spent an afternoon with a gentleman earlier this week and he tipped me fifteen hundred for my services.”

“You’re a hooker?” Phil asked with a surprised look on his face.

I frowned a little and replied, “I like to call it a high-priced escort.”

“Comme ci, comme ca,” he answered.

“Whatever Phil, I’m willing to offer my unique services to offset the difference in price and I’m willing to let you decide when we’re even,” I suggested.

He moved closer to me and looked directly into my eyes, then said, “Sounds like a win for us both.”

I moved my hand to his crotch and gave his cock a gentle squeeze as I said, “Then we’re in agreement, we have a deal?”

“Deal,” he answered.

“Great, how about we go somewhere that I can make the first installment,” I suggested knowing that to seal our deal I needed to fuck his brains out this afternoon.

“How about my place,” he suggested.

“Sounds good, I’ll let you drive back to the lot,” I suggested.

He turned, opened the passenger door and again watched as I flashed more of my sexy legs than I’d done before, but this time he leaned inside and kissed me tenderly on the mouth.

“Hmmm, I want lots more of that once we’re alone,” I remarked after he broke our kiss.

The drive back to Rusty’s Used Car lot took a lot less time than the drive out to the rest stop where we finalized the deal. He parked the GMC behind the office shed, then said, “Do you want to follow me?”

“Sure, no problem,” I replied.

“My apartment is about a five-minute drive,” he said.

I thought it odd that this middle-aged man was living in an apartment but figured he’d explain when we arrived. Phil pulled off the lot and drove just past the convenience store where we’d changed seats, then turned into the entrance of an apartment complex. I followed him to his building and parked beside him in the lot.

I got out and joined him on the sidewalk, then together we walked toward a three-story apartment building. “I’m on the second floor,” he said as he pulled the door open to the building. It was a generic apartment building with open concrete stairs and four units on each floor.

Once we reached the second landing, he inserted his key in the door marked 202 and turned the lock pushing the door open. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he said as he let me enter the apartment first.

The apartment was just as generic as the building, a small entry foyer opened to an equally small living room with a short hall leading to the bedroom and bath.

“It’s not much, but it’ll have to do for now,” He remarked as I walked deeper into his tiny home.

I turned to face him and asked, “How does a man of your age wind up in this kind of place?”

“She left me a year and a half ago after catching me fucking a customer on my desk, after taking the house and leaving me with the mortgage payment this is all I can afford,” he admitted.

I giggled and answered, “Oh my Phil, I thought I was the first to enjoy being fucked on your desk.”

“Sorry hun, you were the second,” he replied.

Judging from the pizza box and several empty beer cans on the coffee table I assumed Phil doesn’t entertain often.

“I apologize for the mess Angel, I wasn’t expecting company today,” he offered.

I half smiled at him and as I took his hand in mine said, “Show me your bedroom.”

He led me down the short hall and turned right into a dark room, heavy drapes blocking most of the sunlight from entering the area. Even in the dim light, I could tell the bed was unmade the comforter piled in a heap on the floor at the foot of the bed. He flipped on a single bedside lamp to provide at least a little light across his rather small bed.

As I approached him, I smiled and said, “Let me take care of everything.”

He nodded his agreement and let his hands drop to his sides.

I began by slowly unbuttoning his shirt, pulling the tails from beneath his jeans, then sliding it off his shoulders. I let my fingertips trace down his chest through the salt and pepper mat of hair pausing to gently caress both nipples. His eyes never left mine and I knew that he was resisting the urge to touch me.

“I love how you touch me,” he remarked as my fingertips slid down over the paunch of his belly and found his belt buckle, undoing the wide leather belt and letting the ends dangle in the loops of his jeans. As I crouched before him, Phil kicked off his loafers and watched intently as I undid the button holding his jeans to his waist. The outline of his cock clearly showed through the denim pants and as I lowered the zipper, I could see that he was fully erect, the head of his cock stretching up toward the elastic waistband of his white cotton briefs.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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