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Danielle startled awake to the sound of her alarm and quickly turned it off. She slowly made her way to the shower cursing herself for staying up so late the night before. She stepped in the shower and let the warm water run over her head before lathering up.
After stepping out of the shower she dried off in front of the mirror and rubbed her moisturizer from her hands to her shoulders and then applied more to her smooth calves and thighs, working up past her plump booty to her tight tummy. By the end of her routine she was glistening but today she was far too tired to notice.
She splashed her face with cold water to wake her up enough to do her makeup properly. Danielle sat in her room in a towel carefully applying her makeup when she got a text from Katie.
“Be there in 10”
Katie and Danielle were going to the beach today and as usual Katie wanted to start the day as early as possible. Danielle much preferred to sleep in, especially considering her late night, but she none the less pushed forward. She finished her makeup and laid down on her bed to try to get a couple of minutes of sleep before Katie arrived.
Danielle’s phone rang and she picked it up to see Katie’s message.
Danielle in her groggy state walked out her front door towards Katie’s car in nothing but her towel and mumbled “Good morning” to Katie as she sat down and leaned her seat back to fall asleep.
“You can throw your towel in the back,” Katie said curiously.
Danielle took her towel off to reveal her completely nude body and tossed it in the back.
Katie’s suspicion was confirmed, and Danielle passed out in the front seat. Katie pieced together that Danielle must have been too tired to remember her clothes and got into the car with nothing but a towel.
“This should be fun” Katie thought.
Katie started the 2 hour drive thinking of different ways to expose Danielle’s body to the fullest extent, but after about an hour she had pretty much planned out the day.
Katie decided to start her plan immediately and spotted a truck stop coming up. She decided that she and Danielle wanted coffee so she pulled in and parked.
“Are we here already?” Danielle said as she opened her eyes.
“Almost, but I figured we could use some coffee” Katie replied.
Danielle pulled herself out of the car and followed Katie to the entrance. Much to Katie’s dismay the coffee shop was mostly empty except for a older man in his forties reading a paper and a young male barista.
Danielle’s plump moisturized booty swayed as she walked in. Her skin was still glistening from her morning lotion rub as she ordered her small black iced coffee. Katie ordered the same as she stared at the barista’s wide bayburt escort eyes.
Danielle’s body was such a contrast to the room, but her tired state kept her from noticing. Even the older gentleman peeked over his paper to watch the young girl stand around waiting for her coffee.
Katie couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she watched her friend expose herself to the shop without even knowing.
The girls finally got their drinks after a lot of staring and got back into the car.
Danielle sipped her coffee and managed to stay up the rest of the trip. She slowly grew more and more awake until they finally reached the beach.
“It looks pretty empty,” Katie said surprised.
“Probably because we’re here at the crack of dawn,” Danielle muttered under her breath.
Katie ignored Danielle’s pessimistic remark and started grabbing the umbrella and towels. Danielle grabbed the suntan lotion and water bottles and started walking with Katie towards the beach.
The girls got settled on the nearly empty beach and after setting up Danielle took a moment to admire the beautiful view of the ocean and feel the sand between her toes.
Katie also admired the view, but for a different reason. Katie removed her beach dress to reveal her bikini, if you can even call it that. It consisted of two neon pink pasties that covered her nipples and stringless bottoms that just barely covered her slit and slid through her legs and disappeared into her ass.
“Whoa, what is that?” Danielle exclaimed as she saw Katie’s swimwear.
“It’s called a c-string,” Katie explained “And its to prevent tanlines.”
“Wow, you sure are brave Katie,” Danielle said, “I could never wear something so daring in public.”
Katie laughed to herself and asked Danielle if she wanted any sun tan lotion.
“No I think I’m going to take a dip first,” Danielle responded as she walked towards the ocean.
Katie admired the view and reached for her phone to get a quick picture of the flawless naked girl walking towards the ocean without a care in the world. Her moisturized skin, and cute booty swayed back and forth as she moved fowards.
Danielle’s bare feet finally reached the water and washed off all of the dry sand. Danielle slowly took a few more steps before fully submerging herself into the ocean and splashing around.
Danielle had her fun in the ocean and started making her way back to Katie. As her soaking wet naked body finally reached her towel Katie spoke.
“Alright, now hurry up and dry off so I can apply your sun tan lotion.”
Danielle grabbed her towel and patted her body down until she was mostly dry. Katie tossed Danielle the sun tan oil and Danielle began spraying bilecik escort it all over her legs and started rubbing it from her feet up her smooth calves to her toned thighs until she got to her hips.
Danielle stared at her bare mound for a moment before it finally clicked.
“Oh no Katie!” Danielle cried, “I’m butt naked!”
Katie was a little surprised that Danielle realized it so quickly.
“Danielle, look around.” Katie commanded, “Do you see anyone else on the beach?”
Danielle looked around sheepishly while covering herself with one arm across her breasts and one hand in blocking her buttcheeks.
Danielle took a moment before responding quietly “No.”
“So, who cares if you’re naked?”
Danielle slowly lowered her arms to her sides “I guess… No one.”
“Ok, then finished applying your lotion to your front so I can get your back.”
Danielle continued to spray her torso and rub her arms and breasts and finally finished with her tight tummy.
Danielle was still a bit scared as she finished her front and then Katie told her to turn around so she could get her back.
As Danielle faced the ocean Katie commanded “Spread your arms and legs.”
Danielle did as she was told and watched the waves slowly crash on the shore. The soft sound of the ocean let Danielle’s mind drift away.
Meanwhile, Katie applied a heavy coat of lotion to Danielle’s back and booty and massaged it thoroughly all over. Katie took her time to reach every nook and cranny of Danielle’s completely exposed body until she was glistening.
Danielle continued to stare into the sea until a light smack on her ass took her out of her transfixed stated.
“All done,” Katie said as she lied down on her towel.
Danielle looked around and tried to remember what she was just thinking about.
“Oh well,” Danielle thought, and proceeded to spread out her towel and lie down.
Danielle lied down for a moment and closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep. She woke up to the sound of whistles and catcalls. Danielle opened her eyes to see a group of highschool boys running on the beach in track uniforms. They stared her nude oiled up body up and down.
“Ugh, it’s like they’ve never seen a girl in a bikini before,” Danielle commented to Katie.
Katie laughed to herself.
Danielle turned over to tan her backside and once again fell right asleep.
Danielle once again woke up to the sound of people on the beach in the distance.
“Ugh, what time is it?” Danielle asked.
“Just about noon, do you wanna head home?”
“Yeah sure,” Danielle replied.
The girls were still very far away from the beach goers so no one seemed to notice Danielle’s nudity bingöl escort (Not even Danielle).
As the girls were grabbing their towels and things to leave, Danielle noticed a food truck across the beach.
“Maybe we should get some food for the road,” Danielle said excited.
Katie looked Danielle up and down and said, “Get me something too,” as she handed Danielle a twenty.
Danielle gladly grabbed it and walked with glee towards the food truck, completely unaware that her bare body was exposed.
Danielle noticed quite a few looks in her direction as she walked through the crowded part of the beach. Lots of men stared openly in shock at this absolute beauty walking nude in public.
Danielle finally reached the food truck and greeted the woman running it. She was an older woman in her late 30’s with a nice body who seemed quite shocked at Danielle.
“Hello,” Danielle said cheerfully.
The woman took a long look at Danielle and her naked body and replied with a smile, “Hello my little streaker, how can I help you?”
“Streaker? What do you….” Danielle trailed off as she looked down at her freely swinging titties and bare pussy.
Danielle let out a high pitched scream in shock, finally realizing her shameful state. She sprinted back towards the car giving the crowd of beach goers a good look at her plump backside scurrying away.
Katie was waiting in the car as she saw Danielle in the buff dashing through the beach towards her. Danielle finally reached the car and hopped in the front seat and curled up in a ball to cover herself.
“Hurry up Katie!” Danielle yelled, “They’re gonna see me naked!”
Katie started up the engine and headed back home. Danielle was still curled up in a ball after about fifteen minutes.
Katie finally asked “Danielle, who are you covering up for?”
Danielle lowered her hands and sat in her seat properly, “…nobody…. I guess.”
“Why is it so bad to be seen naked?” Katie asked Danielle.
“They’re gonna laugh and make fun of me,” Danielle replied.
Katie started giggling, “I promise, they aren’t making fun of you Danielle,” Katie continued, “They think your hot!”
Danielle blushed a bit and replied, “I guess… but I still shouldn’t be walking around au natural in public!”
“You’re right,” Katie agreed, “But wasn’t it a little fun?”
Danielle could barely contain her laughter, “NO COMMENT!”
The rest of the ride was mostly uneventful. The girls just sang along to the radio and laughed.
“Wanna have a sleepover at my house tonight?” Katie asked.
“Yeah that sounds fun!” Danielle responded.
Katie eventually pulled up to Danielle’s house and said, “Wanna grab some clothes or something before you come over?”
Danielle looked down and her naked body and realized she hadn’t covered herself for the whole trip home.
She looked at her house and looked back at Katie, “I think I’m good,” Danielle said with a smile.
“Oh you naughty girl,” Katie replied with a laugh as they drove off.
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