Nat and his Grandfather

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Big Dicks

Nathan Bedford Buchanan had never met his paternal grandfather. For the most part, he wished he never met his maternal grandfather either. His rich and powerful grandfather on his mother’s side had insisted he be named Nathan Bedford as a fuck you to his father’s family. Nathan was the product of a one time hook up with a Mexican athlete married to a black woman.

When the Mexican athlete refused to deny his parentage so the grandfather could claim his daughter had been raped by an unknown assailant of Mexican descent to use in his run for in the states attorney general election, the grandfather insisted on naming the son after Nathan Bedford Forrest founder of the KKK. Nathan’s father never took the bait and just called his son Nat.

In school, the bullies started calling him Gnat and that morphed into Bed Bug. Bed Bug took on a more sinister connotation when the bullies hit puberty and saw Nat’s older half-sister from his father’s first marriage, Alexis. Alexis had developed early and when Nat figured out his so-called friends were using him to try and get close to his sister, Nat distanced himself from his friends who turned on him. Rumors were started that Bed Bug had relations with his sister.

Nat became withdrawn. He had always been the black sheep of his mom’s family. The half Mexican disgrace that couldn’t even be exploited to drum up the racist vote when his father wouldn’t deny him. Just grandpa Buchanan’s luck his whore daughter had to get knocked up by the one Latin man who wanted to take care of his kid.

Nat’s father had always been shy too. His saving grace had been that he had been trained to be a boxer from the time he could walk. Nat’s father had refused to allow his son to train as a boxer. He had seen too much of the damage the sport inflicted on its participants.

As a compromise, Nat was allowed to train as a wrestler. Nat’s father loved Mexican pro wrestling and had spent much of Nat’s childhood watching old wrestling tapes. Nat had learned more Spanish from the Luchadores than any Spanish teacher in his high school.

The wrestling coach at Nat’s school was kind of a jerk. He hadn’t warmed up to Nat when he tried out freshman year. The coach actually went to school with Nat’s father and was disappointed that Nat wasn’t the physical specimen that his father Julio was. Nat was a late bloomer unlike his father who walked into high school a muscular one hundred and sixty pounds and walked out four years later with thirty more pounds of muscle.

What Nat did have going for him that his father didn’t was that Nat was several inches taller than Julio. Nat was actually built very much like Julio’s bounty hunter partner and best friend, Uncle Duane. Duane was also a pro boxer like Julio but in high school Duane had also been a county wrestling champion in Texas.

Duane had taken it on himself to train Nat on the finer arts of grappling. If not for uncle Duane Nat would never have become a solid wrestler. The school coach mostly ignored Nat and he rode the bench for the first three years.

The summer between Junior and Senior year, where Nat turned eighteen, Nat had a major physical transformation. All of a sudden he had a thick build on a towering frame. It wasn’t the same raw power that his father possessed but with the tricks, Duane had taught him, Nat was a master of leverage. Between Julio and Duane Nat never went without a running partner and had better endurance than any other member of the wrestling team. Not that his coach would know as he still ignored Nat in practice.

While Nat was about to come into his own as a wrestler, he instead came up with an alternate plan. Now that Nat was eighteen, he no longer needed his parents’ permission to sign up for boxing lessons.

Nat was serious about becoming a boxer. He had idolized his father his whole life. That his mother’s family had always treated him like crap just made Nat love his father more. It wasn’t lost on Nat that even though his grandfather was a rich and powerful man, his grandfather Buchanan always showed fear regarding Julio Duran.

Nat knew what gym he wanted to start his boxing career at. He walked through the door of his Grandfather Ceasar’s gym. Despite the fact that Ceasar lived in an apartment upstairs, the gym was dark and musty. Ceasar belonged to the boxing school that boxing gyms should be tough looking sweatboxes that made fighters tougher just by standing in them. Nat noted the fight posters on zonguldak escort the wall. One was of his father when he was just about Nat’s age. Another featured Ceasar fighting back in the Seventies. Nat had seen the picture before. It was of his grandfather fighting in a prison in New Jersey. There were a couple of hot prospects among the prison program. Grandpa Ceasar had gone into the prison twice and knocked out the inmates. All the other prominent light heavyweight fighters at the time were afraid to go to the prison with fresh memories of the Attica Prison riots. The second prison knockout had been televised nationally and made Ceasar a championship contender.

After asking a few boxers training on the bags Ceasar’s location, Nat was directed to the office in the back. Nat knocked on the door and stepped inside. Caesar didn’t recognize Nat when he stepped into the room. Caesar met with many young guys wanting to try their luck in the ring. He didn’t train young fighters personally but was professional especially when dealing with a prospect as fit as Nat.

“Can I help you?” Caesar asked.

“I was hoping we could help each other.” Nat replied like it was a clever line, in reality, Caesar had heard that exact line many times before.

“Joe-Joe in the Rays jersey out front sets up introductory classes and tryouts.” Caesar said motioning for the door.

“You don’t know who I am do you?” Nat asked.

“Should I know who you are?” Caesar asked back.

“Well since you’re my Grandfather you should maybe know who I am.” Nat answered with a bright smile.

Caesar looked over the tall young man standing in front of him. He was much taller than Caesar or his son Julio. His mind immediately went to the reach advantage would have.

“Nathan? I haven’t seen you since you were in diapers.” Caesar said.

“I don’t remember ever meeting you.” Nat said.

“Yeah, your dad and I lost touch after your Grandma died.” Caesar said wistfully.

Caesar could tell by the flash of light that went through Nat’s eyes that something negative went through the young man’s mind. Caesar could guess that Nat had heard bad things about how Caesar had treated his son and his first wife. Caesar knew that while Julio didn’t think Caesar was responsible for the divorce, his attitude about Wanda and Julio’s antics didn’t help the situation.

“Your dad’s still mad about how I treated his wife, huh?” Caesar asked.

Nat wasn’t sure how to respond. He wanted his meeting with his grandfather to go well but didn’t like what he had heard about how Caesar treated Wanda. Even though Nat’s very existence was a big cause for his dad and Wanda’s divorce, Wanda had always been very kind to Nat. She had honestly been more of a loving mother figure than his own mother. His father and Wanda had decided early on that for the sake of the kids they would be cordial and welcoming so Nat and his half-sister Alexis had a strong bond and healthy relationship.

Nat knew his father was still deeply in love with his ex-wife. He had dated a bit but nothing serious for almost eighteen years. Nat had heard that his father’s drive to become cruiserweight champion was motivated by his hurt that Wanda had moved on. Julio channeled all his pain and anger into training and then worked himself into a berzerker rage on fight night. His uncle Duane had squared off with him in the ring twice after the divorce and remembered the dark light flash in his father’s eyes as he channeled bad thoughts.

“You know your dad was better off without that woman. If he hadn’t gotten rid of that putita he never would have become a champion. He would be some broke fake cop chasing criminals let out of jail so they could make money.” Caesar said.

Caesar could tell Nat had a reaction to hearing Wanda called a putita. Nat had no accent and Caesar doubted he spoke much Spanish. He clearly understood the Spanish word for whore though. Caesar could tell Nat had conflicting emotions about Wanda. It was almost impossible not to fantasize about Wanda and her huge black tits. Caesar could remember the first time Julio brought her home. He had spent the whole dinner thinking about titty fucking the teenage girl right at the table. When she had Julio’s baby daughter she had been quite free about breastfeeding in public. Caesar got many opportunities to see his daughter in law topless.

That reminded him if caesar wanted to control Nat he would need to set bursa escort the hook. He had the perfect bait at his fingertips.

“I don’t want to make you mad talking about Julio’s ex-wife. I know that’s your sister’s mother but I never liked her. I’m old fashioned. I married till death do us part. My wife was with me before I made my money in the ring. She was a good girl, not like that Wanda, always showing her tits off making her husband look like a cabron.” Caesar said.

“Wanda couldn’t help it if she had big breasts. It must have been hard not to show them off.” Nat defended.

“Well she couldn’t keep a shirt on those titties and she was always letting guys feel her up. She was all about letting blancies grope her up. Made your dad look like a punk.” Caesar said

“That’s not true.” Nat said getting angry but turned on at the same time.

“Don’t ever think I’m not telling you the truth.” Caesar said pulling out his desk drawer.

Caesar slapped the desk with a Magazine and Calander. It took almost a minute for Nat to process the front cover of the magazine staring at him. Wanda was pictured with her blouse wide open. Her huge black breasts were only covered by the tiny letters K and O over the nipples. Wanda appeared to be fifteen or twenty years younger. Nat hated that his mind went to how much a younger Wanda looked like his sister. Nat was troubled by how hard he was as he noted Wanda and Alexis’ similar body types. He finally realized that it was a boxing magazine cover and must have sold around the country. People from all over had seen Wanda topless

If Nat’s cock wasn’t hard enough he read that there were fifteen pages of pictures inside. The boy could feel his eighteen year old cock pulse as he imagined his step mom’s giant black tits in a magazine.

Nat couldn’t help himself from lifting the magazine. Underneath was a calendar from two thousand seven. Shirley Graham Du Bois A Legacy read the cover. Underneath was a group of very big breasted black women seated in a photo that mimicked the black and white photos of lunch counter sit-ins during the civil rights era except all the women were topless. Scanning the photo Nat not only recognized his stepmom but her two cousins and also had some recollection that the two older black women bookending either side of the photo were the twin sisters that gave birth to Wanda and her cousin’s.

“The whole calendar is pictures of those girls with there tits out.” Ceasar said to his grandson noting the erection straining his pants.

Nat grabbed the calendar with his other hand and studied the picture. He had secretly fantasized about his step mom’s tits many times. Growing up in the age of internet porn Nat had seen plenty of big black tits before. He had still thought long and hard about Wanda’s tits. He did the math and figured he must have been about eight when these pictures were taken. Nat thought about the girls in movies that everyone talked about being so pretty at the time like the girl from Transformers or the black girl in the X-men movies, the Spanish girl from Desperate Housewives… Nat had always thought Wanda was more beautiful than any of those girls. It wasn’t until he got older that he realized he was a boob guy like his father.

“I know your dad raised you to have different thoughts about women than I had and tried to raise him with but that calendar is full of titty pictures of all the women in that family. Now imagine that they raised your sister to go around flashing her tits to the whole world. I haven’t seen your sister in sixteen or seventeen years but I hear the rumors from the young fighters in the gym. I know she’s got tits like her mother used to have at that age.” Ceasar said grabbing the magazine out of Nats hand and opening it.

Ceasar laid the magazine out on the desk opened to a full page of the topless Wanda. Nat noted the censoring on his stepmothers nipples was not on the photo.

“I’ve got some gym business to attend to. You look at these pictures of that tramp your father used to be married to and the whores in her family. And think about your sister posing with her tits out for the whole world to see. Come find me when you’re done and tell me if you’re still want to be loyal to those puta diablas” Ceasar said as he exited the room.

Nat tried to resist the temptation to look through the magazine. He loved his stepmother and knew what he was feeling was wrong. On malatya escort the other hand his grandfather seemed to think he would get some insight from looking at the pictures. On some level this justified flipping through the magazine.

Nat flipped through the pages until he saw the first photo. The article headline read DURAN AND WIFE LET THE BOMBS LOOSE. Nat also realized that his father happened to be fighting his uncle Duane that night. Nat wondered if his uncle had gotten a chance to see Wanda that night.

His question was answered when he flipped the page and saw his uncle Duane’s reaction to Wanda’s bare breasts in the crowded arena. The look on Wanda’s face as she registers not only the crowd looking at her bare chest but also the cameraman capturing the details of Wanda’s dark brown areolas, caused Nat to give in to the temptation to take his erection out and start stroking it.

Wanda’s tits were more amazing than he had imagined all those years. He turned his attention to the calendar. He flipped through the months. All of the women were attractive. He noted that the twin mothers to Wanda and her cousin’s also had huge black breasts. Nat wondered about the genes that produced such fantastic boobs. When it dawned on Nat that it was not two generations of fantastic tits but actually three. His half sister also had huge black tits that had inspired much speculation from the boys who knew she was his sister. Nat flashed on something his grandfather said, “What if it was your sister that was exposing her tits like that?”

Nat felt a crossing of a threshold inside him as he pictured his sister topless in an arena. The stunned look in her eyes as her uncle Duane saw her bare tits and a camera detailing her nipples for eternity. A rush of guilt hit Nat and in an effort to stop himself from climaxing to the thought of his half-sister Nat flipped back to the Magazine. He studied one of the pictures intently. Nat realized that it was his grandfather who had pulled Wanda’s blouse open for the world to see. The picture also showed Wanda shrinking back from the camera. Nat realized that as Wanda recoiled from the camera her ample ass pressed into his grandfather’s crotch. Nat was sure that his grandfather must have been rock hard with his erection pressed into his daughter in law’s ass. The horrified look on Wanda’s face indicated that she recognized the stiff object pressed into her round ass.

Nat blew his load imagining getting to press up on his stepmom with her tits out while photographers captured the moment. It was the hardest Nat could remember cumming in months. Once the poison was out of Nat’s system he was able to think clearly again. Seeing his father and uncle getting national attention for boxing convinced Nat that he wanted to continue the family pugilistic tradition. He would do whatever his grandfather needed him to do in order to train him. He wouldn’t tell his father until much later.

Nat cleaned himself as best as he could before hitting the restroom for more thorough handwashing. Once he was done he went to find his grandfather. Ceasar made it a point to make Nat feel like he was going out on a limb to take him on as a prospect. Nat promised to follow his grandfather’s orders.

After Nat left the gym Ceasar returned to his office. He circled the office pulling the memory cards from the security cameras he had set up around the office. Ceasar sat at his desk and followed the instructions his nephew Raphael had written down for him to load the camera footage to his computer. Once the footage was loaded to the computer he flipped through his Rolodex.

“Hello this is Ceasar Duran looking for Reverand Shepard. Yes, I’ll wait.” Ceasar said into the phone while scanning the footage of his grandson beating off to his stepmom’s photos.

“Duran, I haven’t heard from you in years. I hope you’ve got something good for me.” The voice on the other line said.

“I got an idea to get my washed-up son out of retirement.” Duran said excitedly.

“That’s not really that exciting.” Reverand Shepard responded.

“The guy I want him to fight is his son.” Ceasar explained.

“I haven’t spoken to Julio in almost twenty years but it’s hard to imagine him getting in the ring with his kid.” Shepard said.

“If he doesn’t get in the ring I have video footage of his son that will embarrass him so bad he might hang himself in a closet if it gets out.” Ceasar said.

“You’d do that to your own family?” Shepard asked.

“Those fuckers disowned me years ago. I pimp my half cocola granddaughter to make a buck if I could. You should have seen this big goofy guero that came in my office today. I don’t care if they beat each other retarded, as long as I get paid.” Ceasar said.

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