The Hunt Pt. 02

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What I hadn’t thought about was if I slept after dawn. How would I get back into the woods without being seen. Thankfully the birds singing woke me just as dawn started to break. I quickly climbed out and stuck my head out of the door. I didn’t want to go back the way I had got there just in case a hunter was around so seeing no one I ran passed the end of the outhouses, over a gate into a field where I saw a horse, then I carefully climbed over a wire, then a wooden fence and I was back in the woods.

Then I slowly went in a big semi circle round the gate and finally got back to the place where I had been hiding the previous evening. My backpack, water bottles and food was still where I left them and the place looked undisturbed so I crawled back in, lay on the backpack and ate what was left of the food.

I had been there for something like an hour when I heard talking and then a girl screaming to be let go.

“That’s the second capture.” I thought, then wondered if any had been caught during the night. Maybe it had got too cold for them and they had given themselves up. Maybe I was the last one left? Obviously I couldn’t answer my questions and I watched as the naked girl was carried on a pole like the first one I had been.

I had another vision of a naked girl standing in a big pot of water on an open fire and smiled to myself.

The girl was screaming all the way into the house and I wondered if she would get the same treatment as the first girl. If she was, maybe that would mean that some of the hunters would be occupied for quite some time and therefore not out looking for me.

I don’t know if I was just lucky or if the hunters just didn’t believe that a girl would hide right under their noses but the sun had travelled right passed it’s highest point before I heard then saw another girl being carried in.

“Nearly made it girl.” I thought. “Maybe you’re the last of the other girls or there’s just one more to be captured before I’m £10,000 richer.”

My right hand went to my pussy and started rubbing. I might have been covered in mud but I was happy.

The sun moved further across the sky and I decided that when I heard the siren go off I wanted to be carried in on a pole like the other girls I had seen. I didn’t just want to walk the few metres to the gate and announce that I was the winner, so I crawled out, picked up the backpack and started heading in the direction of the middle of the woods.

I must have been getting a little careless because after about an hour I heard a man shout,


“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I said to myself as I started running. On and on I ran as I heard a whistle blow 3 times. Grateful that I was reasonably fit, although running through a forest in bare feet was a bit painful, I just hoped that there weren’t any broken bottles around where I was heading, not that I knew where I was heading.

Looking back over my shoulder I couldn’t see the hunters and I stopped to get my breath. I saw movement in the distance and started running again.

“Shit!” I said when I saw 2 more hunters in the distance in front of me. They were just walking and not in my direction so maybe they hadn’t seen me so I changed direction and kept running.

In the distance behind me I heard the hunters talking when I stopped to get my breath again.

I’d just started running again when I heard the siren.

I stopped, bent at the waist and put my hand on my knees to help me get my breath back.

“Well that’s one hell of a beautiful sight.” I heard from a man behind me and realised that he was probably looking at my bare butt and slightly spread pussy, but I didn’t care, in fact I felt that familiar tingling start and my vagina producing copious juices.

I stood up and turned around to see 4 hunters standing there looking at the naked me. For some crazy reason I said,

“Okay guys, you got me, but before you string me up can I just do one thing?”

I didn’t wait for an answer and my right hand went to my pussy and started rubbing. The 4 guys just standing there watching me with smiles on their faces.


“Where’s the pole?” I asked when the waves of my orgasm had disappeared.

“What pole?” One hunter asked.

“The one that you carry the naked girls back to your camp before you put her in the boiling pot.”

“You’ve been watching too much television girly.” One hunter said.

“No, I saw you with another of the girls.”

“Sorry girly, no pole, we’ll just take an arm or a leg each, give me your backpack.”

And that’s what they did, marched out with me spread eagle between them. I guess that I should have been concerned that the 2 holding my legs had a great view of my pussy, but I wasn’t, in fact every time I saw one of them looking down at me made my pussy tingle some more as get wetter.

I had nothing to do for the good 15 minutes that it took them to carry me out and I did a lot of thinking. Apart from getting very aroused I decided that I had enjoyed the last 30+ hours. As well as being escort bursa fun Charles was right, it had kept me horny for most of the time, I’d never thought about my pussy so much before. And I was really enjoying those 4 guys looking down at my naked body.

“Maybe I should walk around naked more often?” I thought, “or just wear very revealing clothes, clothes that border on indecency. Maybe stop wearing underwear all the time, not just when I go out on the pull. It wasn’t like I needed to wear a bra, my tits weren’t big enough to need one and after the last 30+ hours without knickers did I really need to wear any ever again. Okay, I’m definitely going to wear really short skirts from now on and if anyone gets a flash of my pussy it would be just an accident, I can’t get arrested for having an accident.”

Also as they walked one of them asked,

“How come you’re all covered in mud? We had trouble seeing you.”

“That was the idea.” I replied.

“Clever, beauty and brains.”

As we got closer to the gate I heard, and saw, another girl being carried back to the house on a poll. I panicked a little wondering if she’d been caught before the siren or given herself up after the siren.

“Was my £10,000 at risk, what would happen, would Charles split the prize between us? Well, I guess that £5.000 would be nice.”

It was a while before I found out the answer to that. When we got back to the front of the house Charles was waiting, The 4 guys carrying me walked right up to him and the 2 holding my ankles stood either side of Charles. He just looked at me for a few seconds then said,

“Is that you under all that mud Julia? Oh yes it is, I’d recognise those nipples and that clit anywhere. Have you been rolling in mud or something?”

“Actually yes.” I replied.

“Well you aren’t coming into the house like that, follow me round the back guys.”

I was carried round the back to the stable and put down on the ground. When I got to my feet Charles told me to stand against the wall and as he got a hosepipe out he told the 4 hunters that he could manage and that he was sure that I wouldn’t run away.

As I stood there waiting as Charles got the hosepipe working I realised that I liked being naked and having Charles look at me. I wanted him to fuck me.

My arousal quickly disappeared as soon as the jet of water hit me. Thankfully it was a warm day and the water wasn’t that cold. Charles turned the hosepipe nozzle to ‘shower’ then he used one hand to help the water get all the mud off me. I moaned as he paid particular attention to my little tits and pussy.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t you Julia?”

“Yes, I quietly replied.

Once my front was clear of mud Charles told me to turn around and he then did the same to my hair then my back. Again he took his time cleaning my butt and between my legs even though he’d cleaned my pussy quite thoroughly from the front. How I didn’t cum I will never know.

“Wanting it are you Julia, how many times did you make yourself cum while you were out there?” Charles asked when he told me to turn back to face him to give me a final rinse.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t counting.”

“That many? I told you that you would.”

Charles backed away a little then turned the hose nozzle to ‘jet’ and told me to spread my legs. I did then the jet of water went straight to my clit. It took literally seconds for my orgasm to hit me like a train. Somehow I managed to stay on my feet but my whole body was racked with spasms as the jet of water kept pounding my clit.

“What’s all the noise?” I heard a female voice say when my orgasm finally started to subside.

I looked and saw Red Rose walking over to us. She was wearing just an opaque summer minidress and in the bright sun I could see that she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“Hi Andrea, this is Julia, remember her from Friday evening and yesterday morning. She made it to the end without getting caught but she was covered in mud. The dirty little girl orgasmed as I was hosing all that mud off her.”

“You mean you jet washed her pussy until she came Charles, not that I blame you, she does have a nice clit. Bring her to the house we have a little problem that we need to resolve.”

As the 3 of us walked to the house I was rubbing the water off my body with my hands and Andrea said,

“So Julia, you fancied a humiliating weekend for a few bucks?”

“I can live with a bit of embarrassment for £10,000” I replied.

“Well you might not get all of it, we’ve got 2 winners.”

My heart sank. In my head I had already spent most of the £10,000 .

I was taken into a big room where I saw the other 4 girls, still naked, and all the hunters. Charles and Andrea quietly talked for a couple of minutes then Andrea left the room and Charles started talking.

“Well everyone, as I’m sure that you know by now, 2 girls hadn’t been caught when the siren sounded. As there can only be one winner we have a dilemma as to which girl gets the 10K. We don’t want to just bursa escort kızlar toss a coin so we have decided to have a little competition between the 2 girls. It’s going to be a ‘best of 3’ competition, a jill-off.

The 2 girls will get on a table and masturbate to an orgasm 3 times. I’m sure that you are all thinking that girls can fake orgasms, and so did Andrea and I so this is what will happen.

Andrea has gone for 2 heart rate monitors and one will be put on each girl’s wrist. These will talk to the laptop that Andrea is getting and we will be able to see when the girl’s heart rate suddenly goes up and she orgasms.

The first girl to orgasm is the winner of that round. Both girls will the go and swim 4 lengths of the pool then come back for round 2. The little swim should cool them down so that they start from square one for the next round.

If the same girl wins round 2 there will be no more swimming and no round 3 as we will have a winner. If the other girl wins round 2 it’s back to the pool then round 3.

I trust that that sounds fair to Julia and Mary?”

I looked at the other girls and saw Mary nodding her head. So it was Mary who had survived. I felt a bit sorry for the other girls, but hey, it was a competition and it wasn’t like they were going home empty handed or empty pussies and I was sure that there would be some fucking at the promised party.

Just then Andrea returned with a laptop and 2 watch like things in her hands.

“Gentlemen I think that it would be better doing this outside, plenty of bright light to make your videos look better.”

“They’re going to video us?” Mary asked.

“Is that a problem for you Mary?” Charles asked.

“I guess not.”

Charles looked at me and saw that I was smiling. He didn’t ask me.

“Before we get started has anyone got any questions?” Charles asked.

The only question came from one of the girls,

“When can we get out clothes back? The door to the room where they are is locked.”

“That’s to stop any of you sneaking in and putting something on, you’ll get your clothes back when you get your money which will be around midnight when the minibus will be leaving to take you back to the university.”

When Charles decided that there were no more questions he said,

“Okay guys, 3 tables and 1 chair out the front please?”

Everyone followed the furniture movers outside and Andrea setup the laptop on a table that was at the ends of the other 2 tables. Then she put one of the watch like things on Mary’s and my wrists.

“Right girls,” Andrea said, “look at the screen, those waves are your heart beats. We’ll know when when you cum because the wave will spike somewhere around twice the average. I know that it works because Charles and I have tested it.”

“Okay girls,” Charles said, “up on the tables and make yourselves comfortable.”

As I lay back on the table and spread my legs wide I saw that all the guys had moved round to near our feet and got their phones out. Charles checked that Andrea, Mary and myself were ready then he shouted ‘GO’.

My hands got busy as I remembered the feelings I had when Charles was rubbing the mud off me and then making me cum with the hosepipe. Both Mary and I were soon moaning but it was me who told everyone quite loudly that I was about to, then did cum.

Andrea confirmed that my heart rate had suddenly jumped to 133 bpm.

I was feeling happy as Andrea took the heartbeat monitors off our wrists them led us round the back of the house and into the swimming pool room. Needless to say that everyone followed us and watched, and videoed, us as we dived in and swam the 4 lengths.

“No need to get dry,” Andrea said, “the sun will take care of that and you might be back here in a few minutes anyway.”

“Charles was right, my arousal level had dropped to virtually nothing, even though there were loads of guys looking at the naked me.”

I wondered if I was getting too used to being seen naked.

Back at the tables Andrea strapped the monitors back on us then Charles started us off again.

It took longer with more effort this time, my fingers getting a little tired and I wasn’t making much progress. Even when Mary announced that she was going to cum and my fingers worked faster I couldn’t catch her and Andre announced that it was one all. There was going to be a decider round.

It was when we were walking back after the 4 lengths of the pool that Charles walked alongside me and whispered,

“I’m going to chew that clit of yours and those nipples until after you have begged me to stop, then I’m going to fuck your brains out Julia. Then I’m going to do it all again.”

Well, by the time I was climbing back onto the table those thought had really got my juices flowing. I wouldn’t be needing to lick my fingers before rubbing my clit or plunging them inside me this time.

What also helped was that just after we got started a big van drove up and stopped not far away. A bursa eskort middle-aged man got out and went and stood next to Andrea. She was talking to him whilst keeping one eye on the screen and the man had one eye on Andrea and the other on what was going on between Mary’s and my legs.

I was the first to announce that I was well on my way, and then actually cumming and I collapsed with my hands by my sides and my legs still wide open, I heard Andrea confirm my win and then tell the man what was going on.

I looked around and saw that some of the guys were still videoing Mary and me but I didn’t care. I looked for Charles but couldn’t see him at first then he appeared and told Mary and me that we had to move because the tables were wanted for food and drink which had apparently arrived in the van.

I sat up and saw the middle-aged man and another similar aged man carrying plastic trays over to the tables. I slid off and went to console Mary. As we hugged, my first ever naked hug, I told Mary that she may have better luck the next time.

“You think that there will be another event like this?” Mary asked.

“I hope so,” I replied, “it’s easy money even if you get caught on the first day.”

The 2 men who’d brought the food also brought loads of booze and when they were leaving Charles announced that everyone could eat, drink, swim and fuck as much as we liked until it got dark. Only then would he start looking for the girls for the minibus to leave to go back to the university.

“When do we get our money and clothes?” One girl asked.

“When it gets dark I will unlock the room with your clothes in and I’ll give you your money as you get on the minibus.” Charles replied.

Within minutes everyone was stuffing their faces, holding bottles of booze and talking to each other. It was no longer hunters and the hunted, just around 15 young men and 5 naked girls, none of whom seemed that bothered about being naked. Oh, plus Andrea who was still wearing the opaque dress that everyone could see through in the bright sunlight.

A couple of the guys started talking to me asking me question like,

“What’s it like being chased around the woods when you are naked?”

“What are you going to do with the money?”

“Were you horny all the time?”

“How many times did you masturbate?”

“Can I fuck you?”

“What’s it like masturbating with lots of guys watching you?”

I also got compliments about the size of my nipples and my clit. One also said that he liked my small tits.

I was starting to think about taking up the offer of a fuck when Charles appeared in front of me. He didn’t say anything at first, he just put his hands out and tweaked my already hard nipples.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw those in the pub last Friday evening.”

“You saw my nipples in the pub?”

“Yes, you were wearing a loose fitting top and you kept leaning forward.

“Wow,” I thought, “had I been subconsciously flashing my tits and maybe my pussy without me realising it? Maybe I was just coming out as an exhibitionist without realising it.”

“So when are you going to fuck me Charles?”

“In a few minutes, do you remember me telling you that I was going to chew your nipples then your clit Julia?”

“I do.” I replied as I felt my nipples and clit get even harder and my juices flow faster.

“Well that time is right now, push those plates along that table because my food is your pussy.”

I eagerly made space for me on the end of the table as Charles took his shirt off then lifted me up and put me down on my back, me spreading my legs as wide as I could.

Charles alternated between chewing my nipples and playing with my clit and hole, and eating my pussy and using his hands on my tits. I just didn’t care that there we people around eating, talking and watching us.

Charles certainly knows how to eat a pussy and it didn’t take him long to take me to the edge of an orgasm. He could tell when I was getting there and he backed off leaving me begging for him to continue as he just stood beside me looking down at me with my legs spread wider than a woman does when she’s having a gynaecological exam. I could feel my juices escaping and running down my butt crack and dripping onto the table.

Charles was teasing me and I both loved it and hated it.

Three times he did that to me, the third time he even turned to one of his mates and asked him what he thought of my pussy. I lay there desperate to cum as they talked about my clit, my almost lack of inner labia and my gaping hole that so desperately wanted Charles’ cock in it.

It only took one squeeze of my right nipple and his teeth gently touching my clit for an orgasm to explode out of me. The spasms and jerks moving my body about on the table.

As the waves kept hitting me Charles must have taken his shorts off because I felt his cock enter me then start going in and out getting deeper and deeper inside me with each push.

As I felt his pubic bone hit mine his pushes became thrusts and they got more powerful. I could feel my head getting closer to going over the side of the table which meant that my butt was getting pushed further onto the table and our of reach for Charles’ cock, but he realised that and I felt my hips being lifted and pulled nearer to him.

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