The Reluctant Exhibitionist Ch. 01

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[Author’s note: This is the continuation of a very popular series of stories posted on a stripping forum about Wendy Wilson, a young college co-ed who is blackmailed into participating in nude public exhibitionism. The original series was started by an author named Falcon but after he abandoned the story he gave me permission to continue it. I can’t post Falcon’s original series here but I think this chapter stands on its own enough for it to be enjoyable to readers unfamiliar with Falcon’s story even though there are references to previous events in it.]

Hello again. I don’t know if some of you will remember me or not but my name is Wendy Wilson and I’ve written in the past here in great detail about my time under the control of one Nancy Johnson, Assistant to the Dean at my college. I know it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me but I guess it’s been more difficult than I thought putting all of these experiences down in writing. It’s been cathartic in a way but it’s also forced me to relive memories and emotions from those adventures that have been largely buried up until now.

“Adventures” was Nancy’s word for my nude outings, certainly not mine, but sometimes I find myself unconsciously thinking in her terms even now. I guess that’s what happens when you spend so long under another person’s complete control…you inevitably start seeing the world from their perspective. I know that Nancy desperately wanted to see the world from my point of view. That was the whole point of the self-prescribed “therapy” that she invented to help herself deal with her obsession with public exhibitionism: to live vicariously through me as I experienced what she so badly wanted to experience herself, but couldn’t. It didn’t matter at all to her that I wanted no part in her therapy and had to be blackmailed into doing it; that only heightened the experience for her.

I still remember vividly sitting in my car that Saturday afternoon about a block from Nancy’s house where I’d pulled to the curb to help calm my nerves and think things over. It was just fifteen minutes until I was supposed to meet Nancy for the first of my assigned “summer jobs” and I didn’t know if I could actually go through with it. As much as I tried to convince myself that my previous experiences would help get me through it my stomach still felt like the Cirque du Soleil had moved in for a matinee performance and my heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour. Would this ever get any easier? I didn’t know.

I do know that a lot of my anxiety that day had to do with the fact that any hopes I had that this would never really go as far as Nancy had always promised had completely evaporated the previous weekend. That’s when I’d actually walked completely naked through two crowded stores at Nancy’s command. And that was supposed to be just the beginning of a new phase of my training!

I guess what was also getting to me that day was that it was the first time since being trapped in Nancy’s little game that I knew beforehand I’d actually be exposing my nude body to an audience. In all of my previous experiences there’d always been the hope that no one would see me that day. Through all of the naked car rides and t-shirt training sessions no one other than Nancy had actually seen me totally nude. Even during my first true public exposure at Sinful Delights in the mall I hadn’t known beforehand that it was going to happen. And even as late as the previous week I’d convinced myself that I was through playing Nancy’s game, but as I sat there in my car I knew there were no longer any illusions about what was going to happen that day. Lots of people were going to see me very naked in a very public place.

It’s difficult for me to describe to you what my state of mind had been that week after my nude strolls through the supermarket and home improvement store. I guess shock is the best word to describe it – I just couldn’t believe what I’d done! Even worse, Nancy had laid out her plans for my summer and they included much more of the same. Not only had she enrolled me in summer classes at the college without my knowledge but she’d set me up on a “summer jobs” program where every Saturday afternoon I’d be expected to complete an assignment that I would pick out of a jar at random. None of them would involve wearing any clothes, of course.

I’d been in a daze for the first few days after that. Summer classes wouldn’t start for another two weeks and all of my friends had left town for the summer break so there was nothing to distract me from my own thoughts and fears about the future. After the initial shock had begun to wear off I started thinking things through for about the thousandth time. There just had to be some alternative other than becoming Nancy’s nude little show girl for the rest of my college years! I knew, of course, that there were ways out of it – lots of them, in fact. But the problem with all of them was that there was one inescapable fact that I just couldn’t avoid: I had cheated on my term paper. I didn’t know at the time that Nancy had entrapped me into doing it, but it wouldn’t have mattered if escort bursa I had known. I’d taken the bait so I was guilty, guilty, guilty, and any plan that involved exposing Nancy’s perverted blackmail scheme would also expose my plagiarism and lead to my expulsion from college. Sure I could probably get Nancy fired in the process but that still wouldn’t have spared me from the consequences of my own actions and the shame I’d feel in admitting to my family that I was a cheat and a failure.

As angry, bitter, and mortified as I was by Nancy’s blackmail scheme I had to reluctantly admit to myself that I’d been offered a choice that any other student caught cheating wouldn’t have gotten. Anyone else would have simply been kicked out of school months ago. I know I have my faults but one of them isn’t blaming others for my own mistakes. Ultimately it had been my decision to pull that term paper off of the internet and turn it in as my own work, just as it had been my decision to submit to Nancy’s demands to avoid expulsion. Whenever I’d taken off my clothes at her command it had always been my choice. I knew it always would be.

As each minute brought me closer to my one o’clock appointment with Nancy, I knew my window of opportunity for escaping from her was closing. When Nancy had first revealed her plans for me all she’d held over my head at the time was a plagiarized term paper. Of course that had been bad enough, but the price for refusing her demands had already risen dramatically. She now had nude photos of me on her computer that were just one click away from being e-mailed to my friends and family and, on top of that, my potential problems with my college had also increased. I knew that Nancy had falsified my grades in order to increase my incentive to continue on with college (and her own plans for me) and my school’s strict honor code required me to report this to the administration. I couldn’t do it, of course, without the plagiarized term paper coming to light, but that didn’t really matter. I was still violating the school’s honor code by not turning Nancy in. Like it or not, she was drawing me even deeper into academic fraud.

I’d thought that I’d made the final decision the previous Saturday to give in to Nancy but the naked store walks and the revelation of her plans for my summer had come as a jolt. It was far beyond what I’d expected given my previous level of “training” and her promise to ease me into my new role gradually. It had forced me to rethink my decision. I knew that if I was ever going to escape from Nancy’s grip I had to do it very soon. The consequences would only become greater with each passing week, month, and year, and as those consequences grew so would Nancy’s demands.

It was nearly one o’clock by then and I had two choices before me: continue on as Nancy’s naked little puppet or drive right on past her house and regain control of my life, no matter what the cost. Unfortunately, I couldn’t imagine bearing the cost of either decision.

I started up my car engine that day still not sure which path I was going to take in the next couple of minutes.


Nancy Johnson sat at her kitchen table and stared at the half-full glass of wine in front of her. She took a sip and looked up anxiously at the clock on the wall. It was 12:45 – just fifteen minutes until the lovely young girl would be showing up for the first of her assigned “summer jobs.” At least Nancy fervently hoped that the girl would show up…and that was the source of her anxiety.

Last weekend had been like a dream come true for Nancy. Watching as Wendy walked completely nude through the door of that supermarket had been as thrilling as she’d always dreamed it would be. She knew that it had been her patient but firm training that had given the girl the fortitude to do something that she never could have imagined doing on her own and Nancy was proud of both the girl and her own plan that had made that moment possible. But last weekend’s experience also made Nancy very, very nervous. This wasn’t about a one time thrill – she desperately wanted and needed a reluctant but obedient girl who would publicly exhibit her nude body anywhere and at any time that she demanded. All of Wendy’s previous training had been pre-scripted and carefully designed to move the girl slowly, but steadily, toward that goal. But last weekend had been different…it was the first time that Nancy had deviated from her patient plan and she was terribly afraid now that she might have blown it.

Nancy hadn’t really intended on pushing Wendy to take such a big leap last weekend, especially after the long break in her training. Her original plan, after ensuring that Wendy was once again on the hook, was to have the girl take a nude stroll through the same park where she’d done her t-shirt training. It would be an incremental step for her – there probably wouldn’t be that many people around and Wendy was familiar with the park and had already walked through it wearing nothing but a t-shirt. She’d even been naked there for a few minutes while convinced that some boys might orhangazi escort be spying on her from the trees. Asking her to stroll through the same park, but without the t-shirt, would have been a relatively small, but important step in her training. But that plan had gone out the window when Nancy, in the heat of the moment, had suddenly upped the stakes.

The seeds of the idea had been planted earlier last Saturday morning while Nancy had been out grocery shopping. It’d become common now for her to envision a reluctantly nude Wendy in whatever setting that Nancy happened to be in at the time – a bar, a mall, a busy city street, a bowling alley – and the further Wendy progressed in her training the more intense those visions were becoming. That morning imagining Wendy walking naked through the grocery store had sent such an intense shiver of excitement and arousal through Nancy that if she hadn’t had a shopping cart for support her legs might have buckled beneath her. She did manage to collect herself and finish the shopping, but those intense feelings and images stayed with her even as she prepared for her meeting that day with Wendy.

And that’s when her carefully crafted plans had gone out the window. Instead of a gentle nudge Nancy had suddenly, and on a whim, shoved the girl out of the nest and forced her to fly. She still couldn’t recall the exact moment when the plan had changed in her mind and, in fact, could barely believe the instructions herself as they came out of her mouth. But once out, Nancy knew she couldn’t take them back or alter them. She could never give Wendy any reason to believe that her demands were negotiable or that she ever had any option but to obey them.

And it had worked! Within the hour Nancy was experiencing the very same fantasy she’d only been dreaming about earlier that day! The rush was so incredible that she’d upped the stakes again by ordering the girl to walk nude through a large home improvement store. And then, still giddy with excitement, Nancy had pulled out the job jar that she’d been intending to use later in Wendy’s training.

For the next 24 hours Nancy had been on an incredible high. This was all she had dreamed it would be, and more, as she had plotted, planned, fretted, and sweated about how to get the girl to this point. But she also knew now that any hope that all of this would cure her of her intense nude-in-public fantasies was fading. If anything, they were growing stronger. Now, though, she had a beautiful young girl to experience those fantasies for her and Nancy had discovered that living vicariously through Wendy was intensely exciting. She would have given anything to be able to trade places with Wendy – to be young, beautiful, and forced into public exhibitionism against her will. But since she could never have that, this would be the next best thing.

Any time she felt a pang of guilt about controlling the girl’s life she reminded herself of all the advantages that Wendy had that she never did, and never would. Besides her pretty, fresh-faced looks, Wendy was smart, personable and born into a wealthy and influential family. Nancy rationalized that she was actually doing the girl a favor by teaching her about the hard realities of life. She was Wendy’s mentor. The girl might hate their every moment together right now but someday she would thank her for all of this. She would look back on this as the most exciting time in her life – a time when she learned life lessons that couldn’t be taught in any classroom and discovered intense feelings and desires she didn’t realize existed. Yes, she was doing the girl a big favor.

But once the initial high of that day started to fade, Nancy began getting very nervous. She’d deviated from her patient plan and had taken a big risk in doing so. Had she pushed Wendy too far, too fast? Would the girl, now that she understood more fully what her life would be like until graduation, decide that being expelled would be the lesser humiliation? It was one thing to agree to Nancy’s demands in the heat of the moment, but what would happen after Wendy had had a full week to think things over? If the girl suddenly bolted then last weekend’s triumph would be a disaster. Damn it! It had been a mistake to push her so hard and then give her a full week to think about things before her next training session!

Nancy thought back to the lessons she’d learned from her father, an avid fisherman. She hadn’t really liked fishing that much but it had taught her patience, and it had taught her the importance of setting the hook. If done properly the fish would have little chance of escape; but if attempted at the wrong moment the fish would be lost. Nancy knew she’d yanked the line hard last weekend but wouldn’t know for sure that the hook had been set until Wendy walked in the door today and removed her clothes.

Nancy drained the last of the wine and looked up at the clock. It was one o’clock. A shiver of fear knifed through her body.

Then she heard the knock at the door.


“Hello, dear,” Nancy bursa otele gelen escort said brightly as she opened the door. “Come on in.”

I followed her into the house and stood nervously in the living room. As usual Nancy had that cat-that-ate-the-canary look on her face and I wondered if she realized just how close I came to driving by her house without stopping. Does she ever have any doubts about how deeply she has her hooks in me? Probably not.

“Well, here we are again,” she said. “So how was your week, hon?”

“It was terrible,” I replied. “I can’t believe I actually did what I did last week and that I have to keep doing it. I almost didn’t come today.”

The smirk disappeared and a look of concern flashed briefly across her face that she tried to hide. “Yes, but you did come,” she said. “Anyway I thought we’d settled all of this last week.”

“So did I, but I’m not so sure anymore that expulsion might not be better than what you’re putting me through. Last week was too much, Nancy. You said that you were going to bring me along slowly and then all of a sudden you’ve got me walking naked through a supermarket? And that was after a month without any training at all!”

“What I said was that I wasn’t going to have you do anything that you couldn’t handle, and I didn’t. You handled it beautifully, dear,” she said. Nancy was attempting to maintain her air of confidence but a hint of nervousness had crept into her voice. “Besides, you’d already been nude in front of a crowd in Sinful Delights in the mall so was the supermarket that big of a leap? I don’t think so.”

“I think it was,” I said. I knew I was pushing my luck by confronting her but I was determined to not just automatically cave in to her every demand. Last week had been traumatic enough for me to seriously consider the alternative, as awful as that would be, and I needed her to understand that. “Nancy, I’m here for the summer and I’m willing to continue my training. It’s just that I’d like you to maybe tone things down a bit for awhile. You’ll still have me naked in public settings, just not quite so public. That’ll give me more of a chance to adjust to my new status and prepare for more challenging scenarios.” I was intentionally using Nancy’s own language to attempt to make my case to her. God knows what I was suggesting wasn’t exactly my idea of how I wanted to spend my summer but right now I’d prefer taking naked car rides all day long to doing Nancy’s summer jobs program. Besides, any delay in the progress of my “training” would push the ultimate humiliations I knew that Nancy had planned for me further into the future. At least it would buy me some more time to figure out a way to get out from under her thumb without ruining my life.

Nancy stood there quietly for a few moments and I thought I might have actually gotten through to her for once as she pondered what I was saying. I had no doubt that she’d have me separated from my clothes this afternoon but maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to do something a little less awful than what she had planned for me today. “Wait here a minute,” she said finally and turned and walked out of the room. She soon returned with an envelope and removed some photographs from it.

“More blackmail pictures?” I said. “I’ve already seen plenty of them. A few more isn’t going to make any difference.”

“Just take a look at these,” she replied and handed them to me. I expected to see myself nude in some setting or another but I was surprised to see that I was very much clothed in these photos. They’d been taken at the Dean’s honor banquet where, as the top student in my class (thanks to Nancy’s manipulation of my grades), I’d been one of the guests of honor. Nancy pointed to a picture of my beaming father with his arm around my shoulders. “Doesn’t your father look happy and proud in these pictures?” I had to admit that he did. “And you might want to read this, too,” Nancy said as she handed me a newspaper clipping. It was from my local newspaper and it announced the academic honors received by local girl, Wendy Wilson. God, it hadn’t taken long for Mom to get that into the paper.

“Look at me, dear,” Nancy ordered and my heart sank as I saw the uncompromising look in her eyes. “Wendy,” she said, “at this moment in your life you’re at a very big crossroads and you need to understand that. At this moment you’re a top student and your family is rightfully proud of you. That’s not going to change unless you make it change. You’ll graduate from this college with high honors and will be able to write your own ticket after that. Your future will be assured. It’s all yours for the taking but it’s going to come at the price I’ve asked.” Nancy reached out now and placed a firm grip on each of my shoulders looking directly into my eyes. “Or, you can tell your parents that this was all just a big, fat lie and their little girl is really a fraud and a cheat. You can explain to them that you’ve been running around naked in public to avoid expulsion and then ended up getting expelled anyway and can’t get into another decent school now.” She then spun me around in the opposite direction facing away from her. “There’s the door, Wendy. Use it if you want to, but there’ll be no more discussions or negotiations. If you’re going to go, then go.” I checked back a sob and just shook my head. She turned me back around to face her again, a little more gently this time.

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