The Visit Pt. 03

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I was sitting up in bed, pretending to be reading when Sue returned to our bedroom. I could see she was troubled. She was trembling slightly and her face was quite flushed.

“Oh you’re back.” I remarked. “I was just about to send out a search party… thought you must have got lost!”

“No …I…” Sue trailed off. “I…err…Yeah, I got it… got your phone.”

“Are you alright dear?” I asked knowingly. “Your face is all flushed…and look, you are trembling.”

“No no …I’m fine.’ She replied. “I just… I’m just… No, I’m Ok.”

She hopped into bed. Did I detect the sweet aroma of a woman’s arousal? I took hold of one of her hands and said,

“Sue, I can tell when something is up. What’s the matter? Are you ill?”

“No no.” She replied “I’m ok, really.”

I turned to face her directly,

“Sue.” I said in my sternest voice and held her gaze.

She looked down and away.

Softly now, I said her name again,

“Sue? What’s going on?”

She looked back up at me and replied,

“Ok.Ok. It’s…well, when I went out to get your phone, I could hear Jody and Mark talking and…”

“Oh I get it.” I interrupted. “You overheard them having a fight eh! Yeah well, I can understand how that would upset y…”

She cut me off sharply,

“Oh shut-up Dave. Shut up and listen.”

“Sorry.” I uttered meekly.

“They were having sex.” She continued. “I could hear them having sex.”

I chuckled, “Darling, they are adults and they are engaged to be married and while I don’t really like to think about it too much, I’m sure they make love quite a bit.”

She looked away and down, “They weren’t making love… they were fucking…”

“I beg your pardon?” I asked with feigned indignation.

“They were not making love.” She repeated, “They were fucking. Mark was fucking her like some mad man. I could…hear them. He… he seemed to be really giving to her. God I hope she is alright.”

I jumped up out of bed snorting, “Why that fuckin bastard, no-one treats my little girl like that, husband to be or not, I’m going out there. I will not allow my daughter to be treated like that …especially under my roof.”

Fuck I was good. The academy award for “Most offended upset Father Award”, goes to …Me.

Sue flew out of bed quicker than I.

“No Dave, no you cannot go out there. Just, please, stay inside.” She pleaded.

“But Sue, I can’t just lie here knowing Jody may not be all right. That he may be hurting her.” I said.

“Darling,” Sue countered, it’s their life, it’s none of our business, besides…”

Sue continued, “She seemed to be ok. She looked like she was coping just fine.”

Sue froze for just a second. She realised she had just said too much. I looked away and paused for dramatic effect. This is what I’d been hoping would happen. A slip up. Now, hopefully, I could manipulate her one step closer to receiving Marks cock.

With my best puzzled look I asked, “What did you just say?”

“What… Nothing.” She replied unconvincingly.

“No, You said …’she LOOKED as though she was coping. That’s what you said. Did you see them? Did you watch them Sue? Did you?”

“No I… No I…” She was starting to break down. I kept the pressure on. I felt a full confession was imminent.

“Sue, listen. Just stop, take a deep breath and tell me what happened.”

Reassuring her I continued, “You know you have to. You won’t feel right until you do. C’mon tell me what happened.”

Close to tears Sue began to speak,

“I … just as I reached the phone I could hear them, I could hear them. Instinctively, I looked to that direction. She paused,

“Dave, I could see them. Standing there in the shadows…looking… I could see right into their room.”

“So what.” I said, “You reactively look that way and caught a glance bedava bahis of them, no big deal.”

“Oh Dave, I only wish that were true, I feel so dirty. Dave, I watched them I turned and watched them. I couldn’t look away.”

I remained silent, hoping she would continue. She did.

“They were engaged in oral sex. Jody was giving him head.”

I attempted to look a little shocked. I said to Sue,

“Well…err um yeah… Well that’s what couples do you know.” I bumbled on, “You know, you used to do that quite a lot when we were young…and you were pretty good at it too I might add.”

“No Dave.” She countered. “This was different. Different from how we…I…used to do it.”

“What do you mean different?” I asked. “How can it be different?”

I wanted her to tell me what she had seen. I wanted her to relive that sordid scene. I wanted her to verbalise all that she had witnessed.

Sue looked down, clearly embarrassed with what she was about to relive.

She spoke calmly. “When I first looked in I could see Jody on her knees in front of Mark. She was sucking him. He asked her if she enjoyed it…if she liked to suck cock. She told him ‘Yes’.

She paused for a moment, and then continued.

“Then Mark placed his hands either side of Jodys head and just started ramming it in and out of her mouth. Really pushing it down her throat. She was gagging on it and her eyes were watering and I thought she was going to choke…and all the while Mark was verbally abusing her…telling her to ‘suck it’ and calling her a ‘slut’ and a ‘whore’.”

“What an asshole” I mumbled.

She did not acknowledge my statement. She continued.

“I know I should have left but I continued to look in on them. He told Jody to get on all fours and I knew that he was going to ‘doggie’ her. I turned to leave but I stayed. I watched them fuck.”

I decided to help her out a little.

I looked at her and said,

“Look, so ok… you probably should have walked away, but hey, sometimes you know, seeing something like that can be transfixing. You know you shouldn’t but you can’t stop yourself from looking.”

“But Dave,” She said, “You don’t understand. He fucked her like some wild animal. He was rutting himself into her at a furious pace.”

She continued now but seemed oblivious to my presence. Like some possessed soul, now she began to rant…

“Mark was talking to her, ordering her, instructing her, willing her to appease his sick perversions. He was talking to her like she was some kind of dirty slut… ‘open up bitch’…’spread your cunt for me’…’take my meat whore’. He was disgusting, dirty and depraved… and Dave…”

Abruptly, she stopped talking and looked me square in the eyes and in a quivering voice said,

“Dave, as sick and perverted as Mark is… I fear that I am worse…”

“No no no.” I whispered to her as I went to put my arms around her. She stopped me and said.

“Dave, listen, you don’t know. “She repeated, “You don’t know…don’t know…”

“Don’t know what? Darling, I replied. “What don’t I know?”

She turned, looked at me and said,

“Dave, I watched them fucking and… I… it aroused me Dave. It aroused me. I stood there and I reached to my pussy and my pussy was wet Dave. Wet from watching Mark plough his cock into our daughter. I am wet now Dave. I became wet watching them and now I am even wetter now after retelling the tale. I feel ashamed but my pussy is on fire. My pussy yearns for cock.”

She dropped her head in shame.

“I would love to fuck you right now.” I offered. My cock was hard as a rock.

She looked at me and offered a bitter smile.

“There’s more.” She stated.

“What do you mean …more?” I asked.

“Dave, please forgive me…” Again she looked away but continued speaking,

“Watching casino siteleri them fuck aroused me a bit but when Mark started talking to her as he humped her, he began to say disgusting sick things, perverted things and it was those perverted things that he said that got to me and ignited thoughts and hidden desires deep within me.”

I could feel it. We were nearly there. I knew she was about to confess that it was the thought of Mark assaulting her pussy with his thick prick that got her wet and aroused. That would be the key. Once she confesses I will have secured the means of getting her into bed with Mark. I prompted her to go on.

“What are you saying Sue? What thoughts? What desires?” I asked.

Slowly she began,

“Mark was fucking her furiously and then…he was talking to her saying all that stuff… and then…” She paused before continuing.

“And then he said to Jody…he said, ‘This is how I would fuck your mother.’ Yes. He was fucking her and he just came out and told her that he wanted to fuck her mum…ME! He had his cock up her, pounding her and telling her ‘Oh yeah, this is how I’d do your mum…Oh yeah I want to fuck your mums cunt up real good.’ And then Jody gets into it and starts urging him on saying ‘yeah fuck, fuck her hard…give it to her’ …and the next minute Marks calling out my name as he’s screwing my daughter. ‘Take that Sue …Yeah take my cock Sue’ …he’s yelling it out… and that’s when I started touching myself. It was when I imagined that it was me receiving that pounding that I became aroused.”

I just looked at her, not knowing exactly what to say or how to act. She noticed my dilemma and said to me,

“Dave, Dave, please forgive me. I know it’s wrong for me to think that way but I could not help it. Part of my brain just took control of me. Oh Dave I love you so much. Can you still love me?”

She moved herself close to me and put her hands on my face. Looking deep into my eyes she whispered,

“Dave, I love you… Will you love me? Will you love me now Dave? Will you make love to me now, Dave? Right now.”

She reached for my hand and led it to her pussy. Under her nightie, I could feel her wetness had seeped through her panties. She was dripping. Her warm vag ready for cock.

“Take me.” She said. “Do me …Take ME!” She begged.

This would be hard for me but I had to do what I had to do. Slowly I removed my hand from her groin. With a growing frown I got out of bed and stood ,hands behind my back I walked over to the window, peering out … I spoke,

So, my dear, the thought of Mark making love to you…No…fucking you, turned you on eh! The thought of his hard cock assaulting your married quim was too much for you and you got hot and you came. Is that correct?”

I still had not turned to face her.

“Dave, I…”

“Be quiet!” I cut her off abruptly. “You have disgraced me and yourself. Like some wanton voyeuristic whore you watch your own daughter being defiled and you wish it were you in her place… and then you come in her and like some horny slut… you ask me to fuck you.”

“Dave…I…” She tried again and I cut her off as sharply as before.

“I said, be quiet!” I repeated.

“I’ve a good mind to go out there and tell Mark and Jody exactly what you’ve done…”

“NO NO NO …” She wailed. “Please no Dave. Please don’t tell them… Please… Please.”

I turned from the window …

“Shut up!” I snapped. “Shut up and listen. Shut up and listen good.”

I turned back to the window and continued to speak.

“I’ve a good mind to tell them and then pack my bags and leave you. Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“Please Dave …Noooo. Please.” She sobbed.

“Ok, Little Miss Slutty. I will not tell them…for now. But rest assured should you upset me or make me unhappy again…I will expose bahis siteleri your disgusting true nature. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” She whispered.

“Miss Slutty.” I said to her. “Until Mark and Jody leave, you will address me as ‘Husband’ Do you understand?”

“Yes.” A very brief pause and then, “Husband”

“Good. Now you will do exactly as I tell you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Husband” She replied.

“Good. Now, get out of that bed and take your nightie off… but leave your panties on!”

I thought I heard her start to speak but then wisely…she did not. I heard the rustle of clothing as she discarded her nightie.

“Kneel.” I commanded.

“Close your eyes.” Was my next instruction.

I turned and went to her. Standing directly in front of her I dropped my shorts. My dripping cock sprang free. Pre-cum oozing from its tip. I ordered her to open her mouth. She complied.

“Stick your tongue out.” She did.

I moved into position and pumped more precum from my cock. As the clear fluid stretched from my cock I guided its landing onto her tongue.

“That’s my pre-cum.” I told her. “Here’s some more for you.”

I took the wet underside of my shaft and began smearing my juice over her face. My cock was seeping out the slippery fluid and I near covered her whole face with it. She took this unusual face massage in silence. When I had finished I then said to her,

“Well Little Miss Slutty, you seemed to enjoy watching your own daughter getting face fucked. Let’s see how you like it.”

Her expression was one of shock and apprehension, but she did not speak nor open her eyes. I placed my hands on the sides of her head, manoeuvred my cock to the correct angle and slipped the glistening shaft slowly into her mouth.

“Suck” was all I said.

She began to work her mouth up and down my shaft. She was sucking my cock with more passion and vigour than she had done for years. She was sucking me like a mad woman. Her hands came up to encircle my shaft.

“No” I told her. “Keep your hands away. Use only your mouth.”

For a moment she paused, but then continued her service. I then saw her move her hands to touch herself.

“No.” I barked. “You will not pleasure yourself here you dirty little cocksucker.”

I felt the vibration of her frustrated moan on my shaft as I denied her pleasure. It was time to finish this. I tightened my hold on the sides of her head.

“Ok now… now will see how you like to be throat fucked.” I sneered.” Let’s see how you go.”

I held her head and proceeded to pump my cock into her mouth till she gagged. I wanted to hear that same sound I heard my daughter make earlier when Mark forced his cock down her throat. The sound of the first ‘gluck gluck’ set me off into a verbal barrage.

“OK then you little cock sucker, “I started, “you want to suck some cock…c’mon suck this.”

Pump Pump Pump, I pulled her head off my cock.

“Oh, Maybe you’d prefer a different cock to suck. Maybe you’d like to suck someone else’s cock?”

She shook her head.

“Oh No, I’m afraid you’re not being truthful here. I think there is another cock that you would suck. I think you would like to suck Marks cock.”

She shook her head again, more vigorously than before. Who was she trying to fool me or herself?

I plunged my cock back into her mouth and demanded,

“Suck it. Suck Marks cock now you little slut. Suck his thick cock.”

I began fucking her skull mercilessly. In my head I had the vision of her earlier in the day with Marks cock in her mouth sitting in the kitchen and now here she was, with my cock reaming in and out of her gob.

I kept pumping, kept talking,

“That’s it suck Marks cock. I know you want to … Do it…Suck him!”

She began to moan. As I continued commanding her to imagine she was sucking Marks cock her moaning intensified. The vibrations sent pulsing currents of pleasure through my engorged cock.

A thought formed in my mind…My wife had had 2 different cocks in her mouth in one day.

It was too much for me. I came.

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