Just the Three of Us

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I never quite felt comfortable meeting new people. I was usually ok once I got to know them; it was just that awkward first few minutes that were hard. I was new to the area, having just moved and had no friends and I had just found I had an interest in girls about a year or so ago. I had started dating and had been dating someone for several months when my job was moved to this area. I would miss her, but we had not really been together long enough for her to make a commitment and move with me. So I was on my own.I decided to look online and found a couple of sites that had bulletin boards and posted a message. I explained I was new to the area and asked if anyone would be willing to meet me just to talk or if anyone had any suggestions of where to meet other lesbians.I got a few responses, some offering suggestions of groups to join and sites to check out. One lady agreed to meet me for lunch. We settled on a place and met that Saturday. Monica was quite nice and told me about when she first knew she was a lesbian and said the mid-twenties was not all that unusual to figure it out. She was about thirty and had known since college that she was definitely a lesbian, even though she had suspected it during high school.She had had a few relationships since college that lasted a year or two but had been with her last girlfriend for almost six years. We chatted for a while after lunch and then exchanged numbers. Monica said she would be happy to introduce me to some people if I was interested. In the meantime, I decided to check out a few of the sites that had been recommended.One had local groups you could join. You just listed your location and interests and it brought up a list of groups close-by that you could join. Most of the groups had activities listed that you could attend. I saw a few activities that looked interesting and RSVP’d to one that Ümraniye Escort was taking place the following Saturday afternoon.I talked to a friend back home and expressed my hesitation as I would not know anyone there. I was even more concerned since I was not yet that experienced in dating women, so was even less sure of how to approach them. At least back home, I had a few friends around to help out. Boys had always been easy. My friend made me promise to not back out or just go and then leave after a short time. She made me promise I would stay at least an hour and talk to three different people for at least three minutes each.The day finally arrived and I got myself ready, double checked the directions and took off. The event was being held in a private home and it was a pot luck affair.  I made a dessert in a disposable container so I could leave early if things really went badly. Even as I pulled up to the house, I considered driving off despite what I had promised my friend. I parked out on the street about a half a block away as there were already a large number of cars there.I grabbed my dessert and headed for the house. I walked up the driveway and saw a large number of women sitting around the back yard and on the patio. A woman walked up to me and introduced herself as Sharon, the hostess. I introduced myself as Sue and said that this was my very first event. She showed me where to put my dish and introduced me to a few people, then went off to chat with others coming in. I stood there making small talk with one of the people she introduced me to until she excused herself to go do something.My worst fear was coming true, no one would talk to me and I would look like an idiot sitting alone with my thumb up my ass. I found the cooler with the beverages and grabbed a bottle of water. I could just hear Ümraniye Escort Bayan my friend making me promise I would stay an hour and checked my watch… fifty-seven minutes to go. I looked around and saw two women chatting, so I walked up to them.”Hi. I’m Sue and this is my first event. A friend of mine made me promise I would talk to at least three people for at least three minutes each, so may I chat with you for a couple of minutes?”They both laughed and pointed to an empty chair. We chatted for about fifteen minutes when I decided to move on before I bored them to death.  I went and got some food and checked my watch again… forty minutes to go. I came out of the house and spotted an empty chair at a table where about five women were eating and asked if the chair was taken. They shook their heads no, so I sat down and introduced myself.There were a couple of them that were about my age and a few maybe in their forties. I gave them my little speech and it got another laugh. I managed about a half hour at the table with them while people left and new ones sat down. I finally got up and threw my plate in the garbage and grabbed another bottle of water.I passed by several women discussing a music festival for women. My friend from back home had been telling me about a Womyn’s Music Fest and had suggested I go, so I excused myself for interrupting and asked them about it. It turned out it was the same fest as the one my friend told me about. I started asking them about it as I had already registered to attend. They explained all about it and one said she was going and would be leading a craft class on one of the days.We talked for quite some time and when I looked at my watch, I saw I had been there for nearly two hours and had definitely talked to more than three ladies. An announcement was made that they Escort Ümraniye would be showing a movie as soon as it got a bit darker and afterward, there would be music and dancing. An inflatable screen was put up and the movie was started. I hung around long enough to watch the movie, but once they started the music videos, I found the hostess and a few others and said my goodbyes.A few weeks later I got a call from Monica inviting me to a party at her house, not anything special, just a few of her friends and a couple of others from a group she belonged to. She thought I might be able to make a couple of friends. They would be playing board games and trivia, so if I had any games, I should feel free to bring them. She also said they would be supplying burgers and ribs, but people were bringing ‘the fixings’, drinks and dessert.Monica gave me the address and some suggestions about what I could bring. I went to my closet to see if there were any games I had that might be fun and selected a couple. Then I looked at several recipes finally settling on a simple Jello dish that never failed to get raves, but was super simple to make. The party was about a week and a half away, so I had ample time if I changed my mind.The day of the party rolled around and I got myself ready. I had decided on a short skirt, a scoop neck tee and sandals. I went and got a pedicure and manicure in the morning and had my hair styled. When it was time to leave, I gathered the games, the Jello and the wine I had bought and headed out. it was only about a thirty-minute drive and I arrived a few minutes early. I got my stuff and knocked on the front door, then went inside after reading the sign that said ‘Come on in!’.Monica greeted me and introduced me to her partner Terri as well as some others that were already there. After everyone arrived, there were a dozen or so women there of mixed backgrounds. There was a lot of food and plenty to drink and the evening got pretty raucous after awhile. A few of the women left later on and it quieted down some. There were finally just five of us left. I had had a bit to drink, and while it was not a long drive, I felt it prudent not to drive.

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