Laura’s Femdom Empowerment Ch. 01

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What can I say? I get off on controlling subservient males. In college I learned that many males are easy prey and that I can get whatever I want out of them. This is the story of how I learned about submissive men and how that knowledge changed the course of my life.

Chapter 1 The Submissive Male

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Laura Stanton. I’m also known as Laura Steele or Goddess Steele. I’m 24 years old. I’m a full time Physician Assistant and a part time Dominatrix. I have not always been dominant but I sure am now. I genuinely enjoy the cat and mouse game of female domination in the controlled setting of the professional dungeon. However, the most satisfying thing for me is using my skills and natural gifts to control men. Both willing and unwitting.

I am fortunate to be blessed with great genes. My mother is of Danish decent and was a model in New York. My father was Brazilian.

I stand five feet eight inches tall. My hair is naturally curly and golden blond. I keep it on the long side. My skin is soft and has a natural glow. My eyes are bright blue.

My C cups breasts are what are referred to medically as “dense”. In layman’s terms they are “perky” so I have that going for me. Also, I work out or run most days to maintain my hard-body.

When I was young and naive I would often get annoyed by boys falling all over me. I didn’t appreciate the fact that all guys wanted me and most girls wanted to be me. I was the stereotypical bitch. I dated the jock guys and ignored the quiet shy guys.

I have to credit my college roommate Leesa. She opened my eyes. She taught me so much about guys and the male psyche.

As far as looks go she was average. She was my height but thin and flat chested. She and I met during our sophomore year. I noticed that she usually had several guys chasing her and she seemed to have a way with them. She was very confident and outgoing and the guys loved her. She and I became roommates our junior year and we got a nice two bedroom apartment.

At that time I was dating a guy who was a member of the rugby team. He was hot and had a great body but beyond that he was not much. I didn’t feel like he respected me and sex was nothing special.

In bed he would go down on me for a few minutes which felt good but then he would climb on top of me. He never lasted more than a few minutes and then he’d roll over and go to sleep, leaving canlı bahis me to shower and clean up his nasty mess.

After Leesa and I moved in together I noticed that she never allowed guys sleep over. They would be in her room sometimes for an hour or more but she always sent them home early.

One night, after one of her guy friends left she came out and joined me on the couch. She let out a relaxed sigh as she sat next to me. I noticed she was smiling and I said, “You sure are in a good mood.”

Leesa said, “I should hope so. I just had two great orgasms, and I sent Carl home hard and horny.”

I was shocked. I said, “You did what?”

She giggled and said, “You heard me. Don’t worry, he’ll be back tomorrow eager as ever.”

At first I was speechless then I asked her to explain. Leesa said, “Haven’t you ever had a guy give you an orgasm then sent him home?”

I said, “Of course not! I would never do that.”

“Why not?” queried Leesa. “Do you mean to tell me that no guy has ever gotten his rocks off with you and then left, or just fell asleep and left you horny?”

I thought for a moment and said, “Well actually that’s what Brad does.”

Leesa sat up and looked at me and said, “Laura! That’s such bullshit! You are dating the wrong kinds of guys.”

I said, “What do you mean?”

Leesa said, “It’s so obvious Laura. You have always dated the alpha jerk males. The guys who treat girls like crap. If you pick the right kind of guy it will turn your life around. In fact, you need to dump Brad.”

Leesa continued, “Ok, let me ask you this. Does Brad usually give you orgasms during sex or when he goes down on you?”

I was slightly embarrassed as I responded, “Well, to be honest I’m not sure if I’ve ever had an orgasm.”

Leesa moved closer to me and took my hands in hers and said, “Laura, if you don’t know whether or not you’ve had an orgasm, then you have never had one. Trust me. If you have an orgasm you know it.”

Leesa looked into my eyes as she continued, “Well I can tell you about me. My best orgasms are from getting oral. And you know what, you are the hottest girl I know. You of all girls should be getting mind blowing orgasms whenever you want them. They really are important for good health, both mental and physical.”

I was not sure what to say so I just looked down at Leesa’s hands.

She squeezed my hands kaçak iddaa and said, “Laura. When I say you are hot I mean it. Let me put it this way. If you want to experience your first orgasm I’d be more than happy to give it to you.”

I slowly pulled my hands away from hers and said, “Um, I don’t uh, think that…”

Leesa held up her hands and said, “Laura, I’m sorry. No pressure. I’m just saying that you are gorgeous and I would really enjoy giving you pleasure that way.”

I tried to question her, “So does that mean you are…” I stopped myself.

“Lesbian? Bi? Gay?” Leesa threw out all the buzz words. She continued, “Well I guess if you need to label it I’m bisexual. I mean technically speaking, but I haven’t been with a girl for over a year but I do enjoy it.”

Leesa continued, “Enough about me. I want to help you. I need to teach you about one of the wonders of the world. The submissive male.”

We talked at great length about Leesa’s views on dating and men. About how sex drives all men and how they go about trying to get it. Leesa explained, “It’s biology. All creatures are driven to reproduce. Of course as humans we need to operate within the confines of society.”

I said, “Are you going to get deep on me?”

Leesa said, “Laura stop. I’m serious. This will change your life, just hear me out.”

I said, “I get it, all guys are horny.”

Leesa said, “Yes, all guys are horny. They also need to follow social rules and fit in with society. Now, here’s the important part. There are tons of guys who are so passive that they don’t know how to approach or even talk to women. They want to talk to women. They want to have relationships but they don’t have the confidence. Their sex drive makes them obsess over women but their lack of confidence leads them to loneliness. They end up watching porn and masturbating to… well to girls like you.”

Leesa went on, “So here’s my lesson for you. I’m getting good at using my sexuality and men’s natural sex drive as tools to achieve my goals and I can teach you.”

Leesa said, “Women are able to flirt and play with men. It works most effectively on shy, passive men. With practice, women can push sexual buttons and manipulate passive men into whatever they want them to be.”

I said, “Doesn’t that make you a tease?”

She said, “Absolutely it does, but the guys I do it to, totally eat it up. kaçak bahis Alpha guys get pissed and accuse you of being a cock tease. Passive guys go right along with it. The only thing they like more than playing with their own pecker is letting you play with it.”

I said, “Yeah that makes sense.”

Leesa said, “Yep, and the more you play with it, the hornier they get. It’s so easy to manipulate those kinds of guys.”

I said, “So Carl. He’s one of your passive guys?”

Leesa said, “Yes. In fact he’s my little bitch.”

I was kind of shocked again and said, “Bitch? At what point does a guy become your bitch?”

Leesa said, “Oh, that’s easy. It’s the point where you make him eat your ass before you let him suck your clit.”

The idea of anyone eating anyone else’s ass, as Leesa so clearly put it, had never entered my mind. I said, “Okay, that’s gross.”

Leesa chuckled and said, “Oh Laura, you are so naive. It’s not like they are eating shit. I’m clean when they do it. Let me tell you. It’s the most heavenly feeling you can imagine. I can’t cum that way but it’s a great lead in to getting oral.”

I said, “So how do you know all this?”

Leesa said, “Well, in case you didn’t notice. I don’t look like you. In high school I didn’t have all the guys competing for my attention. I had to actually work at it, no offense.”

I said, “Uh, none taken…”

Leesa continued, “So that meant I had to pursue the guys I was interested in and the jocks wouldn’t give me a second look. Before long I figured out that guys wanted one thing. They wanted, correction they needed to cum. From that point on it’s been a series of games.”

“Games?” I said.

Leesa chuckled, “Oh yes. Getting guys hard and horny at inappropriate times was my favorite. Like in class when the lights were out for a video, I’d reach over and rub my boyfriend’s crotch. He would never stop me because he loved it. Then when the lights came back on, he’d have a huge boner in his pants.”

I said, “That’s too funny.”

She continued, “Yeah, I would get my boyfriends hard whenever I could. I learned fast that guys agree with anything you say when they are hard and horny. Think about it Laura. You need to get rid of Brad and look around. There are tons of guys at this school that would kiss your ass and I mean literally.”

She continued, “Okay, rule of thumb. If a guy has the confidence to approach a girl like you, then he’s probably going for sex and when he gets it he’s on to the next girl. You need to find the guys that are afraid of you, and there are a lot of them. Once you start to give them attention they will become putty in your hands.”

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