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This is an exact true story this time of my first time – unfortunately. All stories will be mostly of one person and other people for other chapters and since these are based on real people their names will be changed. Also all people are exactly 18 years old in high school if you catch my drift. Also sorry if the story seems to lose focus, these are old memories.
I went to a running camp over the summer one time for altitude training to strengthen myself for the upcoming cross country season. A college in Abilene was hosting the camp and were going to drive us up to Colorado and stay there for a few days and run around and have the college coach teach us some lessons to help us become better runners.
There was just seven of us, the coach and female assistant of his that was a college senior, Alyssa, a guy who was going to attend the college in the fall, Kyle, two girls from a small town out near west Texas, Chole and Addie, the latter being a senior and the other was a sophomore, another senior girl from a moderate sized school nearby the college, Hannah, another girl that we were going to meet at the Denver Airport, Olivia, and finally me an up and coming 18 year old senior from the Texas panhandle.
The coach and all the girls were to meet up with Kyle and I in Amarillo since Kyle lived not too far from me. I was familiar with the coach since I had gone to his altitude training camp the year prior and had some unfortunate accidents like falling down a mountain and nearly dying. He grew fond of me since I didn’t talk much and was a promising runner.
At the gas station meet up, Addie and Hannah greeted me as if they were excited to see me or just were very friendly people – I never really know. Hannah was very dark skinned but had more of Indian toned skin and the face of a white girl, she had matching brown eyes and long hair that she always left down, and a slim body of slightly less than average height and her face was probably the most photogenic I’ve ever seen or simply just made to be in front of a camera. Addie was pale, little bit more weight on her but mostly just muscle since she was a half miler, curly strawberry blonde hair and a face that was never sad. Claire was stick skinny and really adorable and so innocent while the other two were a bit more rebellious, fun, and daring.
Kyle and I sat in the back seat of the Chevy Tahoe, crammed since we were both long legged guys. We drove for a couple of hours to a town where some local alumni to the college were letting us stay the night in their houses before we drive another nine or so hours up to Denver. Kyle, the coach, and I were staying with the richest person in town who had the sweetest one story house and a pool out back that Kyle and I swam and messed around in before we slept on luxurious king sized bed since we had to get up at five the next morning.
That morning we ran late to pick up the girls since I told Kyle that he could shower first but I woke up first and didn’t want to waste time. I wouldn’t call myself a morning person but after ten minutes or so after waking up at Kurtköy Escort any time and a shower makes me all good to go. Everyone else was dreary and all their eyes were heavy and only sought and thought of going to sleep as soon as they can. Kyle told me that he couldn’t stand sitting in the crammed back with me for another nine hours so Hannah volunteered herself to sit in the back with me.
And ten minutes later on the road, everyone was asleep, except me of course since Hannah had fallen asleep on my shoulder after stealing my pillow for extra support.
This left me with a raging erection the whole drive. And every time we stopped she would always go back to lean on my shoulder, reigniting my hard on if it even went away. At times I would place my head on hers and try to sleep away my feelings, but turned to be difficult and never ended up going to sleep. I remember once Hannah laid her head on my lap, I had to make sure not to twitch my member as she would surely feel it move, so for the last two hours of the drive before Denver I was on edge and ten minutes before we picked up Olivia I had to just once twitch it and I saw her eyes open the instant my cock shuddered.
We picked up Olivia who sat in the back with us so my days of having Hannah on my shoulder were over since we were all wide awake, but thankfully we were since I wasn’t sure how longer I could restrain myself.
The coach drove us to Boulder, Colorado were we stopped at an iconic running store before we went and ran on some trails and ran up to the top of a minor mountain. Kyle and I raced each other, I won, just barely since I was to the point of near collapse of breathing in little to no air at such altitude. We stopped at took in the view we saw and waited on the others. I’ve never been to Colorado except when I was very little and don’t remember anything at all, so it was nice to stop and smell the roses, taking in a beautiful foreign place. Kyle and I walked around in a river that streamed from down the mountain as the rain began to come down, making the run down the mountain even more dramatic and adrenaline rushing.
We drove over to where we were staying, a YMCA since the coach has a membership. The next morning went off an adventure drive on some scenic road that’s supposed to be the best in America, everything is already better than what I had back home in Amarillo. I could feel the slight chill of Hannah’s skin as our legs touched, and we unconsciously kept them together.
The coach dropped us off at some dead end road and told us that he’ll meet us on the other side of the road with the car. This was the most beautiful trail I’ve ever seen. There was nobody else but us on the road, mountains capped with snow surrounding us, and the serene sounds of ambient nature. Hannah took off running, Kyle and I took it easy so we can take in the environment, and the other girls just walked. I remember seeing a waterfall run down a length of a mountain into air, leaving mist spraying around with nothing to receive it.
I left Kyle behind since he said that he was going to Maltepe Escort wait on the girls behind us, I hoped that I would catch up to Hannah, but stopped often just so I could remember this image forever. I saw the coach come from the opposite direction telling me that Hannah and the car are about two miles down the road, thankfully since this road seemed like it was eleven miles long. I sat around with Hannah, she was unsure of where the car was since part of the road was destroyed when the Colorado river had flooded the area not too long ago. So we just sat around and waited on the others and drank from streams that come from the mountain even when the coach only told us to drink directly from the source.
We headed back to the YMCA where the coach said we could explore around since he wanted to rest for a little bit. Kyle and were going to go check out the river that Alyssa had told us about, Hannah had followed us. We knew but weren’t sure if she knew that we were just ahead of her. So we stopped and waited for her to catch up, and we walked down towards the river, but we were on the wrong side.
On our side there was just a drop off and across the water was rocks we could sit on and put our feet in the water, so I said we should keep on walking to find a way to cross, but Kyle said no and found a tree and a path or probable rocks to cross with. He crossed first with ease and so I did but hesitant since I was unsure that this was even necessary, but Hannah had slipped and cut her leg on something. Kyle thought it was worth it all, Hannah was slightly frustrated, and I stopped caring and just laid on the rock hoping Hannah would lie near me, but she didn’t.
We laid there silently for a while until Kyle wanted to keep on adventuring by trying to find another way to cross that was even more risky since the way we crossed was no longer viable after Hannah’s leg had knocked something out of place. Hannah and I walked together in search of a bridge, got lost on some trail that seemed to take us in the wrong direction until a runner told us where to go. All the way I had wondered what she would say if I held out my hand towards her or even dared to come close to her lips. But I never did and we found ourselves back to camp where we sat on a bench waiting for Kyle. She put her head on my shoulder as Kyle appeared out of nowhere and sat next to me telling us some crazy story of him trying to cross the river, falling into it and some fishermen laughing at him then helping him out.
The next few days we drove around Colorado, Hannah all the while keeping her head on my shoulder and one time kept smiling at me as we were all swimming, she had a great body in her bikini. But the drive back was one of the most memorable times I’ve had. We dropped off Olivia at the Denver Airport, leaving Hannah and I alone in the back seat.
She never left my body, she leaned up against me with her back to my side. She never left me, I never wanted her to, and I just want to keep on feeling her. I told her that I was tired and wanted to sleep since I let her sleep on the drive Tuzla Escort here, so she told that I could rest my head on her lap since she took my pillow again and she said that she’ll help me sleep.
Her fingers ran through the waves of my hair, gracefully combing the hair between her fingers, and over time ran her fingers lower to my neck staying there for some time before sliding her hand down into my shirt to caress the skin of my back. At this point I was wide awake with all blood rushing to the erection once again forming.
I felt as I had to return the favor and I so desperately wanted to feel to feed this feeling rising up from within me. I placed my hand on her knee and began to softly run my hand over her strong calf muscle.
She ran her hand even further down my back, increasing the passion of her touch so I too moved my hands up her leg. I used my other hand to entwine with hers on my side, but our embrace was short lived since she wanted to keep on touching my skin, moving up and down my chest as I continued on moving my hand up her thigh slowly since I never want this moment to end. She ran her hand all over my chest even giving my nipple a slight tease before circling lower to my member almost on the verge of exploding right there as my hands still drew close to her. I felt her fingernails dig into the skin just beneath my compression shorts, teasing me softly as there was nothing more I wanted than her to touch me where I need is most.
My own fingers have somehow mustered courage to slide up and down the growing wet spot of her shorts, I felt her body shudder and her hand immediately grabbed hold of my member squeezing it with a fierceness almost making my shoot right then and there. My fingers slipped inside her tight surface, this is my first time so I am surprised that I even knew that I put them in the right hole and I could only manage to get one in for how tight it was.
I had no idea what I was doing and only hoped that it was making her feel so entranced since her touch of all that is sacred on my body was painful. There was absolutely no lubrication, just a dry irritating rub, and I had to tell her to slow down since her strokes were very off, but this was her first time also so I didn’t blame her and I didn’t dare ask her to put her mouth on it since we were surely to get caught by the coach.
We played with each other for about an hour before arriving to the town we originally stayed the first night. Her boyfriend had called her to ask her about me since apparently she was taking pictures of us well her leaning up against me. I felt bad, but I still needed a relief. I will never forget the pain I felt after we got out of the car, it felt like I had to pee but nothing would come out for hours and I couldn’t relieve myself until I had gotten home the next day around noon. Which I can say was probably the most I’ve ever came, but felt that it should’ve been at a different time. After camp Hannah and I never talked again, I attempted to once but she never responded to my text.
So that was my first time with a girl, mostly, not a true first but the furthest I’ve gone and haven’t gone any further since and that was about two or three years ago. I almost want it to never happen again for how much pain I felt the second she touched me there since everything before was pure euphoria.
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