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The house belonged to her friend, Grace. Not a friend really, more an acquaintance. Grace had insisted that Carla come to one of her infamous parties. The house, or at least the part she had seen so far had two story ceilings and made completely of glass. She knew that was an exaggeration but as she stood there looking at a high, wall to wall window, she wasn’t so sure.

“Champagne?” Carla looked around. A young girl in a black and white French maid’s costume was holding a tray of wine flutes.

Carla took one. “Thank you.”

“Your first time here?” The girl was very tall and slender. The perfect person to wear such an outfit. She had striking good looks as well.

“Yes.” Carla said.

Carla started to turn away.

“They’re not free.” The girl whispered.

“Excuse me?” Carla said.

“The drinks.” She repeated. “Not free.”

Carla had a questioning look. The girl moved closer. “A kiss.” She said.

Carla smiled. “Very funny.”

“I’m not joking.” The girl said.

Just then, Grace appeared to rescue Carla. “Is this girl bothering casino oyna you sweetie?” Grace ran her arm around Carla.

Carla smiled. “This one is trying to extort a kiss from me.” Carla said. “And for a drink, no less.”

Grace looked at the girl admiringly. “Well, too bad.” Grace said. “I’m sorry I quit drinking.”

She winked at Carla. “Dear, I’ll be right back but right now there is a congresswoman over there who deserves a scolding after her vote on the abortion bill.”

Grace disappeared in the crowd. The French maid was still standing there. Carla looked at her. “Fuck it.” She said. She put a hand on the back of the girl’s head and their lips touched. The kiss quickly felt like more than an obligation.

When they parted. The girl winked at Carla. “I only collect from the cute ones.”

“Carla grinned. “So ugly girls drink for free?”

The girl shrugged. “Only fair, right?”

Carla started to move away into the crowd. “Look me up later, I owe you some change.”

Carla laughed. “Consider it a tip.”

The girl looked at Carla canlı casino one more time. The tip of her tongue flicked at her upper lip.

Carla went from the great room out onto a deck. There were woods some distance away and the sun was low behind them.

“I’m Eva.” A woman of about fifty had come out behind her and was leaning on the railing a few feet away. “Grace is my broker. She does throw great parties.”

“She always invites me and I never seem to make it.” Carla said.

A second French maid outfit arrived and Eva took a glass. Without any conversation, she kissed the girl. The girl looked to Carla and nudged the tray in her direction.

“Hell of a system.” Carla said and also took a glass. She to, kissed the girl.

The girl was moving away when Carla said. “What, no change?”

The girl turned around, came forward and kissed Carla again.

When the two were once again alone, Eva said “Very clever. I’ll remember that.” Then she added. “So, you are gay.”

“No, I’m Carla.” Carla replied. “But you are? Gay?” Carla added.

“Honey, kaçak casino nearly everyone here is gay.” Eva said. “Surely you knew Grace was a lesbian.”

Carla paused. “The subject has never come up.”

“Well then.” Eva said. “What on earth do the two of you talk about?”

Carla saw Grace stepping onto the deck and she raised her glass hoping for a change of topics.

Grace came to where the two women were and raised her own glass. “Cheers girls.”

“Speaking of girls,” Carla said. “What’s with the French maid costumes?”

Grace laughed. “I was just coming to find you. The crowd has thinned. The show is about to start.”

Grace led the two into the house where the lights were now dimmed to near darkness. Eva whispered in Carla’s ear. “I love this part.” She said. “A perfect ending to a great party.”

Someone whistled, many were cheering when Carla saw the two French maids enter the room. However, this time they had discarded their costumes. They were nude, and gorgeous.

“Friends.” Grace said in a loud voice. “Our girls tonight will now select a guest from the audience to perform with them. I expect it to be an eye opening experience for one of you.”

Before Carla could speak, one of the girls was next to her. “Time for us to make change, love.”

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