Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
The Christmas party last night was a blast. Your company puts on a hell of a spread. I left the party early to enjoy some rare alone time. I sacked out around midnight. You didn’t come back to the room till more like 3 am. But when 6:45 comes around we are both wide awake. We get up at that time everyday so it’s just automatic now. We have been coming to this Christmas party every year since you started with the company. This is our tenth one and I love this weekend every year.
We take a quick shower, as is our custom. I wash every part of you very thoroughly and rinse in water just slightly to warm. Trailing my lips over most of your body followed by my fingers which alternate between lightly touching your skin and massaging your muscles. While I’m doing this you quickly but just as thoroughly wash me. I love the feel of your fingers as they tangle through my hair and graze over my skin. I can feel you lathering me up as you pull gaziantep escort my head back against you with a fistful of my hair. You back up under the stream of hot water and let it cascade down over us. Slowly you gently move me away from you. You get out, dry off and go wait for me on the bed. I don’t keep you waiting long. Just long enough to finish rinsing myself and dry off quickly and then join you.
I enter the room and there you are, lounging on the bed, waiting for me; watching me. I wonder if you can tell how excited I am as I walk over to you. My mouth is filling with saliva. I’m practically drooling, I want to lick and suck you so badly. You don’t say a thing as you lay back and after just a couple of seconds you hold out your hand. I relax and kneel next to you on the bed. I’m on your right side. One of my hands strays to your lower abdomen the other one traces konya escort a line slowly from the inside of your right knee up your inner thigh. I lean my face into your right hand, the one you held up to me. I moan very quietly as the fingers of my right hand continue up your thigh and brush the underside of your balls. Your dick twitches and I look over to you.
You nod once, it’s all I need. I hungrily bow over you to take the head of your cock in my mouth. Gently, restrained at first, swirling my tongue around you and slowly working my mouth up and down on you taking in a little more each time. Nothing is quite like the feel of the head of your cock as I lick it and press it up against the roof of my mouth. I love the way it feels both soft and hard at the same time.
Soon, I can feel you at the back of my mouth, my gag reflex kicks in. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my head, kayseri escort it’s not bad but you’ve grabbed a handful of my hair in your fist and you pull me up a little. I gasp, surprised, but I keep working on you with my tongue. I hear you say that you have our day planned out and that you don’t want me gagging, or worse puking, first thing in the morning. I suppose you are right, after all, no one wants to start the day with a safe word or having to clean up that sort of mess. I laugh a little and oblige your rough tone with a throaty “yes sir”. We find a rhythm you like while you control my head for a few seconds more with that fistful of my hair. And then you ease off and let me do what I love, it doesn’t take very long, maybe 20 minutes more and I feel you tense.
You know I hate swallowing so you let me pull back. And I do, I back off just far enough that when you cum it hits me in the face. I have a towel from the shower with me and start to clean up, you stop me. You lift my chin up with your finger and then start to swirl your cum around on my face. I can barely see with it dripping over my eyes but I can hear the satisfaction in your voice. I can sense your smile. You tell me you hope I enjoyed my breakfast because for brunch it’s your turn…
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32